To Ellen Mowrer Miller from friends, Boone County, Iowa, 1868-1887
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At home Mar 21st 1868. Saturday Afternoon Dear Friend Ellie-- I have just finished writing a letter out to Iowa to my Aunt and thought I would not forget you. I should have answered long ere this Ellie but as you know anticipated coming home and thought I would defer it until after I arrived, which was a week ago last Thursday. Oh Ellie I cannot tell you how glad I felt when I reached home. I came all alone, but got along very well. The first person I saw when I got off the the case, was my brother, who came to meet me with a Buggy, I met several of my friends at the Station but did not stop to talk long for you may imagine I felt like having something to eat after travelling all day. Mother had invited a few of my [added:] to close, give my love to your Mother & Father and all the rest and please answer soon. I will try and be more punctual next time. My love to yourself. Believe me as ever your friend Hallie
At home Mar 21st 1868. Saturday Afternoon Dear Friend Ellie-- I have just finished writing a letter out to Iowa to my Aunt and thought I would not forget you. I should have answered long ere this Ellie but as you know anticipated coming home and thought I would defer it until after I arrived, which was a week ago last Thursday. Oh Ellie I cannot tell you how glad I felt when I reached home. I came all alone, but got along very well. The first person I saw when I got off the the case, was my brother, who came to meet me with a Buggy, I met several of my friends at the Station but did not stop to talk long for you may imagine I felt like having something to eat after travelling all day. Mother had invited a few of my [added:] to close, give my love to your Mother & Father and all the rest and please answer soon. I will try and be more punctual next time. My love to yourself. Believe me as ever your friend Hallie
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries