To Ellen Mowrer Miller from friends, Boone County, Iowa, 1868-1887
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at some remarks little Ellie made which I cannot very well mention here. I would first like to have a good talk with you for it seems so hard to communicate all our thoughts with pen & ink, by the way Ellie how are the Ponies flourishing. I was sorry to hear that Baldy was getting so obstreperous hope he will train him and not let him get beyond all control. I think if I had remained he would have been all right, what splendid rides we used to have I enjoyed it so much riding over the Prairies after the [leaves?], ask Will if he remembers the buggy ride we took. (Oh I didn't we cut a [well?]) Oh! Ellie how is Jimmy getting along I do not forget him among the rest, although I had never the pleasure of meeting him, yet my thoughts often wander to the far West and to the friends I left behind me, by the way how is Miss Taggart and the Miss Maces. I suppose you have no intercourse with each other, how is your sister Sallie and the [name?]'s family when you see them give
at some remarks little Ellie made which I cannot very well mention here. I would first like to have a good talk with you for it seems so hard to communicate all our thoughts with pen & ink, by the way Ellie how are the Ponies flourishing. I was sorry to hear that Baldy was getting so obstreperous hope he will train him and not let him get beyond all control. I think if I had remained he would have been all right, what splendid rides we used to have I enjoyed it so much riding over the Prairies after the [leaves?], ask Will if he remembers the buggy ride we took. (Oh I didn't we cut a [well?]) Oh! Ellie how is Jimmy getting along I do not forget him among the rest, although I had never the pleasure of meeting him, yet my thoughts often wander to the far West and to the friends I left behind me, by the way how is Miss Taggart and the Miss Maces. I suppose you have no intercourse with each other, how is your sister Sallie and the [name?]'s family when you see them give
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries