Benjamin F. Barge letter to Sallie J. Mowrer, 1856
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Yale College New Haven Feby. 9th 1856 Dear Sallie Yours was received yesterday afternoon with much pleasure and to night I avail myself of the little spare time I have, writing letters to friends and acquaintances. I have written but one letter within the last six weeks - & is therefore a kind of new task to me. After this evening I shall probably not write very soon again - the reason is - we have too much to do. Besides my regular College Studies I am taking French - & devote also a little time to music. Thus I preferred to answer your letter to now to putting it off some 4 or 5 weeks. About correspondence after leaving Chester Co.; I shall be happy to continue with you whether you are in Chester Co. or in Iowa or any where else so long as circumstances may permit - which I hope to be a long time. I should really like to pay you a visit before you leave Pa. but I fear I shall not be able because your leaving takes place previous to our vacation. For all that after this we may be more distant - our long cherished thoughts continue the same and if nothing interfere & I keep well, I shall make a trip westward and if agreeable give you lengthy call
Yale College New Haven Feby. 9th 1856 Dear Sallie Yours was received yesterday afternoon with much pleasure and to night I avail myself of the little spare time I have, writing letters to friends and acquaintances. I have written but one letter within the last six weeks - & is therefore a kind of new task to me. After this evening I shall probably not write very soon again - the reason is - we have too much to do. Besides my regular College Studies I am taking French - & devote also a little time to music. Thus I preferred to answer your letter to now to putting it off some 4 or 5 weeks. About correspondence after leaving Chester Co.; I shall be happy to continue with you whether you are in Chester Co. or in Iowa or any where else so long as circumstances may permit - which I hope to be a long time. I should really like to pay you a visit before you leave Pa. but I fear I shall not be able because your leaving takes place previous to our vacation. For all that after this we may be more distant - our long cherished thoughts continue the same and if nothing interfere & I keep well, I shall make a trip westward and if agreeable give you lengthy call
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries