Ellen Mowrer Miller writings, 1865-1869
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May 10th Today has been Cloudy, this morning the clouds looked as if they where all going to run off without any rain but about twelve it rained a nice little shower then [lile?] about four it looked for a very heavey shower, but it was a nice shower all thought there would be hail but God he rules of all things seen otherwise. how pleasant now to go in the garden & bhold the pageant blossomes. the lovely [illegible] expanding their green foldeages the whole secnery is so magnificent that the heart that now can view the glorious [sesecrection?] of spring without casting one thought where, & who made subo this this things. & admire the sublimity of natur it must be cold prove to forgetfulness. is there s can there be ay such persons who have a heart be so cold. & unfeelings. bless God from whence all blessings flow. was very busy today planted out a great may plants. ([Carragep.?]) it is a very lovly eve thi [illegible]. [illegible] will are ringing, how mary I cant tell fro 680 May.
May 10th Today has been Cloudy, this morning the clouds looked as if they where all going to run off without any rain but about twelve it rained a nice little shower then [lile?] about four it looked for a very heavey shower, but it was a nice shower all thought there would be hail but God he rules of all things seen otherwise. how pleasant now to go in the garden & bhold the pageant blossomes. the lovely [illegible] expanding their green foldeages the whole secnery is so magnificent that the heart that now can view the glorious [sesecrection?] of spring without casting one thought where, & who made subo this this things. & admire the sublimity of natur it must be cold prove to forgetfulness. is there s can there be ay such persons who have a heart be so cold. & unfeelings. bless God from whence all blessings flow. was very busy today planted out a great may plants. ([Carragep.?]) it is a very lovly eve thi [illegible]. [illegible] will are ringing, how mary I cant tell fro 680 May.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries