Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
Page 15
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15 To make Rasberry Drops Mash the Rasberries, put in a little Water, boil & strain them, then take 1/2 lb of fine Sugar sifted; just wet the Sugar to make it as thick as Paste, put to it 20 Drops of the Spirit of Vitriol, set it over the Fire & make it scalding hot but not to boil; drop it on Paper, it will soon be dry; if they will not come off easily wet the Paper let them lie a Day or two on Paper To dry Apricots Take 4 1/2 Doz. of the largest Apricots, stone them & pare them, cover them all over with 4 lb of Sugar finely beaten, put some of the Sugar on them as you pare them & the rest afterwards
15 To make Rasberry Drops Mash the Rasberries, put in a little Water, boil & strain them, then take 1/2 lb of fine Sugar sifted; just wet the Sugar to make it as thick as Paste, put to it 20 Drops of the Spirit of Vitriol, set it over the Fire & make it scalding hot but not to boil; drop it on Paper, it will soon be dry; if they will not come off easily wet the Paper let them lie a Day or two on Paper To dry Apricots Take 4 1/2 Doz. of the largest Apricots, stone them & pare them, cover them all over with 4 lb of Sugar finely beaten, put some of the Sugar on them as you pare them & the rest afterwards
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks