Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
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To make a white Soup- Take a Knuckle of Veal & put into cold Water & when it boils scum it well & put in one Blade of Mace & one Onion, & let it stew 3 or 4 Hours; then strain it & beat a few Almonds & boil them in a little of the Liquor, then strain it off & put into it the Yolks of two Eggs & half a Pint of Cream, & when you send it to Table put in the Top of a French Roll. A Soup Desenta - (D Infanta?) Take a Knuckle of Veal, an Onion, a Bit of Salt, & Mace; put this into a Gallon of Water & let it Stew till it is quite tender; strain it off & let it stand till cold; then take off the Top & Bottom; then
To make a white Soup- Take a Knuckle of Veal & put into cold Water & when it boils scum it well & put in one Blade of Mace & one Onion, & let it stew 3 or 4 Hours; then strain it & beat a few Almonds & boil them in a little of the Liquor, then strain it off & put into it the Yolks of two Eggs & half a Pint of Cream, & when you send it to Table put in the Top of a French Roll. A Soup Desenta - (D Infanta?) Take a Knuckle of Veal, an Onion, a Bit of Salt, & Mace; put this into a Gallon of Water & let it Stew till it is quite tender; strain it off & let it stand till cold; then take off the Top & Bottom; then
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks