Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
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with some good Gravy; when they are stew'd tender thicken the sauce with a lump of butter roll'd in flour & a little pepper & salt & a teaspoonful of mustard & some lemon juice; serve it up under pork, veal & mutton steaks. To prepare a Lobster Pea for Sauce Take the Pea of two large Lobster, dry it before the fire, then bruise it & season it with salt & a large nutmeg grated; 1/2 oz of mace dryed & pounded; put these things into a pint of french white wine & when you go to use it, shake it; two spoonfulls will season a large sauce boat full. the gravy must be
with some good Gravy; when they are stew'd tender thicken the sauce with a lump of butter roll'd in flour & a little pepper & salt & a teaspoonful of mustard & some lemon juice; serve it up under pork, veal & mutton steaks. To prepare a Lobster Pea for Sauce Take the Pea of two large Lobster, dry it before the fire, then bruise it & season it with salt & a large nutmeg grated; 1/2 oz of mace dryed & pounded; put these things into a pint of french white wine & when you go to use it, shake it; two spoonfulls will season a large sauce boat full. the gravy must be
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks