Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
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prepared as follows - Boil in it a whole Onion & two anchovies & a Bit of Lemon Peel; when you are going to send it in, thicken it with a little Butter rolled in Flour, & add to it two spoonfuls of Lobster Wine Brown Sauce for Carp - As soon as the Carp are scal'd & wash'd take out the Rows; then wash the inside of the Carp with a Pint of Red Wine; put the Wine & Blood into a Saucepan with some Lemon Peel & onion stuck with Cloves, not more than 3 or 4; a little Mace, & a Bay Leaf; boil it till half is consumed; strain it off &
prepared as follows - Boil in it a whole Onion & two anchovies & a Bit of Lemon Peel; when you are going to send it in, thicken it with a little Butter rolled in Flour, & add to it two spoonfuls of Lobster Wine Brown Sauce for Carp - As soon as the Carp are scal'd & wash'd take out the Rows; then wash the inside of the Carp with a Pint of Red Wine; put the Wine & Blood into a Saucepan with some Lemon Peel & onion stuck with Cloves, not more than 3 or 4; a little Mace, & a Bay Leaf; boil it till half is consumed; strain it off &
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks