Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
Page 86
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To make a Frost & Snow Pie. Take 8 whites of Eggs & whisk them very well to a Froth; then take a Quart of the thickest cream you can get with a Nutmeg slic'd in it, & a stick of cinnamon, & boil it; then whisk your Eggs with it till you are ready to put it in a Crust which must be ready baked either standing or in a Dish; then have ready Codlins about half coddled & slice them very thin & drop the slices in the snow & heap it high you may if you please put it into y/e oven for 4 Minutes, but it will do without & will keep 4 or 5 Days very good - you may put y/e Frost & Snow in Glasses if you like it.
To make a Frost & Snow Pie. Take 8 whites of Eggs & whisk them very well to a Froth; then take a Quart of the thickest cream you can get with a Nutmeg slic'd in it, & a stick of cinnamon, & boil it; then whisk your Eggs with it till you are ready to put it in a Crust which must be ready baked either standing or in a Dish; then have ready Codlins about half coddled & slice them very thin & drop the slices in the snow & heap it high you may if you please put it into y/e oven for 4 Minutes, but it will do without & will keep 4 or 5 Days very good - you may put y/e Frost & Snow in Glasses if you like it.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks