Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
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To make a Millet Pudding. Take 1 1/2 oz. of Millet, boil it in good Milk with a Bit of Cinnamon till soft; take care it don't burn; put in a Lump of Butter, 4 Eggs, two whites, a little Lemon Peel shred fine & some of the Juice; sweeten it to your Taste - Add preserved orange if you like it; if you think it too stiff put a little clarified Butter or Cream Puff Paste round the Rim of your Dish; a Quarter of an Hour in a Moderate oven will bake it - To make Hogs Pudding. Two Pounds of Rice boil'd soft in Water; 6 lb of Lard cut in Dice, a good Deal of Pepper & Salt; 1 oz: of Jamaica Pepper ground & a Bunch
To make a Millet Pudding. Take 1 1/2 oz. of Millet, boil it in good Milk with a Bit of Cinnamon till soft; take care it don't burn; put in a Lump of Butter, 4 Eggs, two whites, a little Lemon Peel shred fine & some of the Juice; sweeten it to your Taste - Add preserved orange if you like it; if you think it too stiff put a little clarified Butter or Cream Puff Paste round the Rim of your Dish; a Quarter of an Hour in a Moderate oven will bake it - To make Hogs Pudding. Two Pounds of Rice boil'd soft in Water; 6 lb of Lard cut in Dice, a good Deal of Pepper & Salt; 1 oz: of Jamaica Pepper ground & a Bunch
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks