Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
Page 148
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all pared very thin; put them to steep in a Gallon of Brandy close stopt for 3 or 4 Days; then take 12 Pints of Water & in it 3 lb of double refined Sugar & clarify it with the whites of Eggs; let it boil a Quarter of an Hour, then strain it through a fine Hair Sieve & let it stand till cold; then Strain the Peels from the Brandy & put in the Juice of 5 oranges & 7 Lemons to each Gallon; then put it into a Vessel & keep it close stopt for 6 Weeks; then if fine, bottle it - The same in Proportion for a larger Quantity; & if it Stands in the Vessel 10 or 12 Weeks it will be the better.
all pared very thin; put them to steep in a Gallon of Brandy close stopt for 3 or 4 Days; then take 12 Pints of Water & in it 3 lb of double refined Sugar & clarify it with the whites of Eggs; let it boil a Quarter of an Hour, then strain it through a fine Hair Sieve & let it stand till cold; then Strain the Peels from the Brandy & put in the Juice of 5 oranges & 7 Lemons to each Gallon; then put it into a Vessel & keep it close stopt for 6 Weeks; then if fine, bottle it - The same in Proportion for a larger Quantity; & if it Stands in the Vessel 10 or 12 Weeks it will be the better.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks