Receipts in cookery, Mrs. White of Stoney Lane, England
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Mrs. Woodward's Receipt to stew a Rump of Beef. Let it be salted 2 Days the same as for boiling; the Night before you use it season it with Mace, Cloves, Nutmeg & Cinnamon; roast it 2 Hours, then put in in your Stew Pan & pour over it one Quart of boiling Water; add an onion stuck with Cloves, scrap'd Horseradish, a Handfull of Celery cut small & a Bunch of sweet Herbs; let it stew 3 or 4 Hours according to it's Size, close covered; when enough, strain the Liquor from it, & take off the Fat; then add half a Pint of red Wine; as it stews dust it frequently wth. Flour,
Mrs. Woodward's Receipt to stew a Rump of Beef. Let it be salted 2 Days the same as for boiling; the Night before you use it season it with Mace, Cloves, Nutmeg & Cinnamon; roast it 2 Hours, then put in in your Stew Pan & pour over it one Quart of boiling Water; add an onion stuck with Cloves, scrap'd Horseradish, a Handfull of Celery cut small & a Bunch of sweet Herbs; let it stew 3 or 4 Hours according to it's Size, close covered; when enough, strain the Liquor from it, & take off the Fat; then add half a Pint of red Wine; as it stews dust it frequently wth. Flour,
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks