Women's Missionary Society ledger, between 1892 and 1897
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1892 Dec The Dec meeting of the Society was held at the residence of Mrs M E Miller, on the 12th of the month. Meeting called to order by President. Opening with singing and scripture reading. Prayer by Mrs Stoughton, reading of the lessons leaves, Subject [Evangelislie?] work in the Foochow Conference. Minutes read and approved. Reading by, Mary E Miller. Declaration by, Mattie Hiland. Reading by, Mattie Ellis. Reading by, Mary Miller. Singing by Miss Belle Chase and Miss Addie Elliott Verses by Flossie and Gracie Millis Verse by Harrison Miller. Number members present 15 Visitors 16 received from able $2.43 received from members $1.50 Total $3, 93ct
1892 Dec The Dec meeting of the Society was held at the residence of Mrs M E Miller, on the 12th of the month. Meeting called to order by President. Opening with singing and scripture reading. Prayer by Mrs Stoughton, reading of the lessons leaves, Subject [Evangelislie?] work in the Foochow Conference. Minutes read and approved. Reading by, Mary E Miller. Declaration by, Mattie Hiland. Reading by, Mattie Ellis. Reading by, Mary Miller. Singing by Miss Belle Chase and Miss Addie Elliott Verses by Flossie and Gracie Millis Verse by Harrison Miller. Number members present 15 Visitors 16 received from able $2.43 received from members $1.50 Total $3, 93ct
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries