Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, Oct. 1863-Jan. 1864
1863-12-07 -- 1863-12-08
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a couple of hours for the ambulance, Got off at last and were taken to the camp for the use of sick where we were well cared for, the means being principally furnished by the San Com and I say bless that Commission Yes, God bless the Commission 8th Great hunt for a dead man this morning, Are well used here there being 10 or 11 in each tent and two men in charge. At 9 we get into the ambulances and went to the cars (box cars) and were crowded in, the roofs leaking the floor muddy, and a most cold
a couple of hours for the ambulance, Got off at last and were taken to the camp for the use of sick where we were well cared for, the means being principally furnished by the San Com and I say bless that Commission Yes, God bless the Commission 8th Great hunt for a dead man this morning, Are well used here there being 10 or 11 in each tent and two men in charge. At 9 we get into the ambulances and went to the cars (box cars) and were crowded in, the roofs leaking the floor muddy, and a most cold
Civil War Diaries and Letters