Cary Club minutes, 1883-1886
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Tuesday Evening, June 9th 1885. At the residence of Mrs. J.S. Mitchell on June 19th/85, occurred the resurrection of the Cary Club. We were called together to [?] [?] from ex sister Mrs. A. S. White, whose general [?]sence re-minded me of the pleasant evenings we spent together before she left us for her [?] home. After spending a social hour in the parlor of our hostess, tea was [?], and after doing ample justice to the elegant + delicious [?] prepared in Mrs. Mitchells own [?]itable style, the expected toasts were [listened?] for. But after being voted "dry" anyway more left our of the program[?]. Mrs. White - expressing our thanks to our kind hostess for her bountiful entertainment. Part of the evening was devoted to the discussion of several important subjects, on of which was the deciding that "[?] [?]' was the proper word to be used + not "spring [?]." The Club all being present and feeling equal to any thing it was decided to hold regular meetings again every two weeks. The first one to occur at Mrs. R. M. Jacksons in two weeks. The old officers were still held on duty. Especially the treasurer. Finding our financial standing was not the best it was decided to appoint a commit-tee to investigate. It was also decided to record this meeting in the [?] book. As the evening was [?]spent we said good night to our kind president + hostess, feeling as our po[?]al sister
Tuesday Evening, June 9th 1885. At the residence of Mrs. J.S. Mitchell on June 19th/85, occurred the resurrection of the Cary Club. We were called together to [?] [?] from ex sister Mrs. A. S. White, whose general [?]sence re-minded me of the pleasant evenings we spent together before she left us for her [?] home. After spending a social hour in the parlor of our hostess, tea was [?], and after doing ample justice to the elegant + delicious [?] prepared in Mrs. Mitchells own [?]itable style, the expected toasts were [listened?] for. But after being voted "dry" anyway more left our of the program[?]. Mrs. White - expressing our thanks to our kind hostess for her bountiful entertainment. Part of the evening was devoted to the discussion of several important subjects, on of which was the deciding that "[?] [?]' was the proper word to be used + not "spring [?]." The Club all being present and feeling equal to any thing it was decided to hold regular meetings again every two weeks. The first one to occur at Mrs. R. M. Jacksons in two weeks. The old officers were still held on duty. Especially the treasurer. Finding our financial standing was not the best it was decided to appoint a commit-tee to investigate. It was also decided to record this meeting in the [?] book. As the evening was [?]spent we said good night to our kind president + hostess, feeling as our po[?]al sister
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries