Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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13 Feb-26-1900. The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Dobson with eleven members and one visitor present Pres. presiding. Roll call responded to by "Popular Proverbs." Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs. Hindman appointed Critic. Motion made and carried that the winter picnic meet at the home of Mrs. Jackson Monday Mar-5. Mrs. Hindman and Voris appointed committee to select menu for picnic. Current events were given by part by part of those present. Committee reported upon menu selected. Mrs Humphrey gave a recitation "Since Mary fined the Club" Mrs. Alexander Reynolds, and Knowlton read from "Egyptian Princess" Pres. appointed Mrs. Dobson to read from "Egyptian Princess" at the next meeting Club adjourned to meet Mar-11- with Mrs Cook. Mrs. Ives Pres. Mrs. Knowlton Sec. Mar-11-1900. The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Cook with twelve members and two visitors present. Pres. presiding. Roll call responded to by quotations from Ian MacLaren. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs. Humphrey appointed Critic. Report of Critic from previous meeting. Motion made and carried, that the Club meet at the home of Mrs. Humphrey Mar-18. and finish reading Club story. Current events given by each member present. Mrs. Reynolds read a paper upon "Egyptian Astronomy". Mrs. Hindman gave a review of "Bonnie Brier Bush". Mrs. Mudge read a paper on "Egypt". Mrs. Voris conducted a lesson in English. Mrs Dobson read a chapter from "Egyptian Princess". Pres. appointed Mrs. Ives to read from "Egyptian Princess" at the next meeting. Club adjourned to meet Mar-26- with Mrs. Mac Kean.
13 Feb-26-1900. The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Dobson with eleven members and one visitor present Pres. presiding. Roll call responded to by "Popular Proverbs." Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs. Hindman appointed Critic. Motion made and carried that the winter picnic meet at the home of Mrs. Jackson Monday Mar-5. Mrs. Hindman and Voris appointed committee to select menu for picnic. Current events were given by part by part of those present. Committee reported upon menu selected. Mrs Humphrey gave a recitation "Since Mary fined the Club" Mrs. Alexander Reynolds, and Knowlton read from "Egyptian Princess" Pres. appointed Mrs. Dobson to read from "Egyptian Princess" at the next meeting Club adjourned to meet Mar-11- with Mrs Cook. Mrs. Ives Pres. Mrs. Knowlton Sec. Mar-11-1900. The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Cook with twelve members and two visitors present. Pres. presiding. Roll call responded to by quotations from Ian MacLaren. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs. Humphrey appointed Critic. Report of Critic from previous meeting. Motion made and carried, that the Club meet at the home of Mrs. Humphrey Mar-18. and finish reading Club story. Current events given by each member present. Mrs. Reynolds read a paper upon "Egyptian Astronomy". Mrs. Hindman gave a review of "Bonnie Brier Bush". Mrs. Mudge read a paper on "Egypt". Mrs. Voris conducted a lesson in English. Mrs Dobson read a chapter from "Egyptian Princess". Pres. appointed Mrs. Ives to read from "Egyptian Princess" at the next meeting. Club adjourned to meet Mar-26- with Mrs. Mac Kean.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries