Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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September 10 1900 The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs Voris, with 19 members present. Roll call was responded to by vacation echoes, after which the retireing president - Mrs Ives in a few well chosen words, passed the gavel to her succesor Mrs. Voris, who very gracefully accepted the Token of honor, Mrs. Alexander gave the Geography of Germany, the minutes of the called meeting in June were read and approved, the secretarys report for the preceeding years work was read and approved. The treasurer report was read and accepted. Mrs Pitner then favored us with a vocal solo. The Holy City. History of English Language was just touched upon by Mrs. Rathbon as the club was unprepared. Motion made and carried that it be postponed until next meeting. Adjoined to meet in two weeks with Mrs Alexander. Our hostess invited us to remain for a social season during which time dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. M Voris President Mrs E D Humphrey Sec. Monday Oct 1 1900 - Meeting of the Cary Club postponed from Sept. 24 convened at the home of Mrs Hindman, 14 members and one visitor being present, of which 9 responded to roll call with miscellaneous quotation, minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs. Hindman appointed critic History of Germany was given by Mrs Cork. Manners and Customs of Ancient Germans Mrs Knowlton. Intermission of 5 minutes . The only business before the club was in regard to Childrens Reception. Motion that it be given friday evening Oct. 26
September 10 1900 The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs Voris, with 19 members present. Roll call was responded to by vacation echoes, after which the retireing president - Mrs Ives in a few well chosen words, passed the gavel to her succesor Mrs. Voris, who very gracefully accepted the Token of honor, Mrs. Alexander gave the Geography of Germany, the minutes of the called meeting in June were read and approved, the secretarys report for the preceeding years work was read and approved. The treasurer report was read and accepted. Mrs Pitner then favored us with a vocal solo. The Holy City. History of English Language was just touched upon by Mrs. Rathbon as the club was unprepared. Motion made and carried that it be postponed until next meeting. Adjoined to meet in two weeks with Mrs Alexander. Our hostess invited us to remain for a social season during which time dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. M Voris President Mrs E D Humphrey Sec. Monday Oct 1 1900 - Meeting of the Cary Club postponed from Sept. 24 convened at the home of Mrs Hindman, 14 members and one visitor being present, of which 9 responded to roll call with miscellaneous quotation, minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs. Hindman appointed critic History of Germany was given by Mrs Cork. Manners and Customs of Ancient Germans Mrs Knowlton. Intermission of 5 minutes . The only business before the club was in regard to Childrens Reception. Motion that it be given friday evening Oct. 26
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries