Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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24 December 31, Cary Club Met at the home of Mrs Reynolds with thirteen members and two visitors present, President presiding. Roll Call responded to by quotations of New Year. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. German history by Mrs Reynold. Recitation by Mrs Mudge. Humorous readings by Mrs Alexander. Five minute intermission. Business. Motion to postpone voting on name for new member prevailed. Guest Evening was then spoken of and a motion made and carried that we postpone it from January fourteenth to the twenty eighth. Motion to invite the other clubs of the city prevailed, Mrs Noris. Mrs Alexander and Mrs Hutchinson appoin- ted to serve as general committee. Current Events by club. English lesson led by Mrs Noris. Report of critic Adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Hutchinson. The hostess then served ice cream and cake. Mrs Noris president Mrs Humphrey, Sec'y. Jan 7 - 1901. There was a called meeting of the Cary Club at the home of Mrs Hindman to perfect plans for Guest Evening President presiding and thirteen members present. Committee on place of entertainment reported and the High School Auditorium being deemed desireable, motion to secure the same prevailed. Motion that the husbands of Club members be included in the invitation prevailed. Motion not to serve refreshments last. The Secretary was appointed to serve on committee of invitation. Adjourned. Mrs Noris President.
24 December 31, Cary Club Met at the home of Mrs Reynolds with thirteen members and two visitors present, President presiding. Roll Call responded to by quotations of New Year. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. German history by Mrs Reynold. Recitation by Mrs Mudge. Humorous readings by Mrs Alexander. Five minute intermission. Business. Motion to postpone voting on name for new member prevailed. Guest Evening was then spoken of and a motion made and carried that we postpone it from January fourteenth to the twenty eighth. Motion to invite the other clubs of the city prevailed, Mrs Noris. Mrs Alexander and Mrs Hutchinson appoin- ted to serve as general committee. Current Events by club. English lesson led by Mrs Noris. Report of critic Adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Hutchinson. The hostess then served ice cream and cake. Mrs Noris president Mrs Humphrey, Sec'y. Jan 7 - 1901. There was a called meeting of the Cary Club at the home of Mrs Hindman to perfect plans for Guest Evening President presiding and thirteen members present. Committee on place of entertainment reported and the High School Auditorium being deemed desireable, motion to secure the same prevailed. Motion that the husbands of Club members be included in the invitation prevailed. Motion not to serve refreshments last. The Secretary was appointed to serve on committee of invitation. Adjourned. Mrs Noris President.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries