Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
Page 33
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33 Monday May 20th 1901 The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Voris. Vice President presiding There were 13 members and one visitor present. Roll call was responded to by Sayings of Great men. Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. Mrs. Knowlton then read an interesting paper on "The present Emperor of Germany. Talk by Mrs. Stookey, Subject Biskmark and Mattke. Music by Miss [illegible] Voris Five minutes intermission then current events given by club. Business A motion made and carried that a committee be chosen to plan an entertainment for benefit of "Public Library." President appointed Mrs Dobson, Mrs Knowlton and Mrs Griffiths Adjourned to meet in September with Mrs Stookey. Mrs. Voris President. Mrs. Humphrey Sec. Secretarys report for 1900 & 1901 Regular meetings of Club 18 Called meetings 2 Highest attendance 19 Smallest attendance 8 Visitors 9 Total attendance 235 Entertainment given 2 one for children of club members and one for the other clubs in Marion and guests, "Seven Oaks."
33 Monday May 20th 1901 The Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Voris. Vice President presiding There were 13 members and one visitor present. Roll call was responded to by Sayings of Great men. Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. Mrs. Knowlton then read an interesting paper on "The present Emperor of Germany. Talk by Mrs. Stookey, Subject Biskmark and Mattke. Music by Miss [illegible] Voris Five minutes intermission then current events given by club. Business A motion made and carried that a committee be chosen to plan an entertainment for benefit of "Public Library." President appointed Mrs Dobson, Mrs Knowlton and Mrs Griffiths Adjourned to meet in September with Mrs Stookey. Mrs. Voris President. Mrs. Humphrey Sec. Secretarys report for 1900 & 1901 Regular meetings of Club 18 Called meetings 2 Highest attendance 19 Smallest attendance 8 Visitors 9 Total attendance 235 Entertainment given 2 one for children of club members and one for the other clubs in Marion and guests, "Seven Oaks."
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries