Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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Monday Nov. 11th 1901 Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Griffeths with ten members present. Called to order by Pres. In response to Roll call quotations on Winter were given. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Manson not being able to be present her paper on Iceland had to be omited. Mrs. Alexander read a very pleasing paper on "The Land of a thousand lakes followed by a select poem read by Mrs. Ives. Intermission, refreshments served and a very pleasent half hour. Called to order and current events given. Adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Humphry. Mrs. Alexander Pres Mrs. Hutchinson Sec Monday Nov. 25th 1901 Cary Sisters met with Mrs. Humphry. Called to order by Vice Pres. and Mrs. Dobson appointed critic. Roll call was responded to by 16 members the quotations being from Longellow. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. As our Pres. & other members were [illegible] detained the Current events were given first followed by talk by Mrs. [Rathbun?] on the "Influence of invironments in the home." Intermission. Called to order by Pres. Mrs. Voris read a very interesting paper on "Liteature of the home" follow by general discussion of same subject. "Hanging of the Grain" was very pleasingly rendered by Mrs. Mentzer. Mrs. Daniels suggestion for the Cary Club to do cooking to raise money for Library fund talked over, moved and carried to lay same on table untill after Holidays. Mrs. Gibson appointed delegate to Federation to fill place of Mrs. Alexander. as she, as Pres. will be expected to attend all meetings of Federation. Adjourned to meet with Mrs. Voris Dec. 9th 1901. Mrs. Alexander Pres. Mrs Hutchinson, Sec.
Monday Nov. 11th 1901 Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. Griffeths with ten members present. Called to order by Pres. In response to Roll call quotations on Winter were given. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Manson not being able to be present her paper on Iceland had to be omited. Mrs. Alexander read a very pleasing paper on "The Land of a thousand lakes followed by a select poem read by Mrs. Ives. Intermission, refreshments served and a very pleasent half hour. Called to order and current events given. Adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Humphry. Mrs. Alexander Pres Mrs. Hutchinson Sec Monday Nov. 25th 1901 Cary Sisters met with Mrs. Humphry. Called to order by Vice Pres. and Mrs. Dobson appointed critic. Roll call was responded to by 16 members the quotations being from Longellow. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. As our Pres. & other members were [illegible] detained the Current events were given first followed by talk by Mrs. [Rathbun?] on the "Influence of invironments in the home." Intermission. Called to order by Pres. Mrs. Voris read a very interesting paper on "Liteature of the home" follow by general discussion of same subject. "Hanging of the Grain" was very pleasingly rendered by Mrs. Mentzer. Mrs. Daniels suggestion for the Cary Club to do cooking to raise money for Library fund talked over, moved and carried to lay same on table untill after Holidays. Mrs. Gibson appointed delegate to Federation to fill place of Mrs. Alexander. as she, as Pres. will be expected to attend all meetings of Federation. Adjourned to meet with Mrs. Voris Dec. 9th 1901. Mrs. Alexander Pres. Mrs Hutchinson, Sec.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries