Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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Cary Club met Jan 2 1905 at the home of Mrs. Hutchinson. Six members and one guest being present. Roll call was responded to be New Years quotations. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs Davis was appointed critic. Mrrs. Eves then read a character sketc of Gen. Robert E. Lee from the Outlook. Mrs Brown not being prepared, the President called for back work which was responded to by Mrs Davis who read her paper on Korea. There being nothing further the Club adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Pyle. Mrs Hutchinson, President. Mrs McKean, Secretary. Cary Club met Jan 16 1905 at the hom of Mrs Pyle. Twelve members responded to Roll Call by quotations. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. It was moved and seconded that we have general criticisms instead of the President appointing a critic at each meeting as heretofore. President requested Mrs. Alexander and Ives to send flowers to the sick members, Mrs Manson and McKean. Mrs Evans read a very interesting paper on the "religions of Japan" Mrs McKean asked for an extension time which was granted. Mrs Brown being prepared with back work read from the Review of Reviews, Child Labor in Penna also a character sketch of [Corlelyo?]. Club adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs McKean. Mrs Hutchison, Pres. Mrs McKean, Sec'y.
Cary Club met Jan 2 1905 at the home of Mrs. Hutchinson. Six members and one guest being present. Roll call was responded to be New Years quotations. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mrs Davis was appointed critic. Mrrs. Eves then read a character sketc of Gen. Robert E. Lee from the Outlook. Mrs Brown not being prepared, the President called for back work which was responded to by Mrs Davis who read her paper on Korea. There being nothing further the Club adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Pyle. Mrs Hutchinson, President. Mrs McKean, Secretary. Cary Club met Jan 16 1905 at the hom of Mrs Pyle. Twelve members responded to Roll Call by quotations. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. It was moved and seconded that we have general criticisms instead of the President appointing a critic at each meeting as heretofore. President requested Mrs. Alexander and Ives to send flowers to the sick members, Mrs Manson and McKean. Mrs Evans read a very interesting paper on the "religions of Japan" Mrs McKean asked for an extension time which was granted. Mrs Brown being prepared with back work read from the Review of Reviews, Child Labor in Penna also a character sketch of [Corlelyo?]. Club adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs McKean. Mrs Hutchison, Pres. Mrs McKean, Sec'y.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries