Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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90 the annual Club tea. It was decided to hold the same June 5. The following committee on re- freshments was then selected Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. Voris. Criticisms were then called for owing to the lateness of the hour current events were omitted On motion club adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson Mrs McKean President Secretary The Cary Club met with Mrs Hutchinson June 5 1905. thriteen members present. quotations were given and the minutes of last meeting read and approved. The committee on last years programs reported and were discharged. their report being duly accepted. Mrs. Rathbun was appointed to ascertain the cost of reprinting last years programs. Current events were then given after which the Club tea was served which was enjoyed to the fullest extent by all present. Club then adjourned to meet at the call of the President in the fall. Mrs. Hutchinson M. E. McKean President Sec'y
90 the annual Club tea. It was decided to hold the same June 5. The following committee on re- freshments was then selected Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. Voris. Criticisms were then called for owing to the lateness of the hour current events were omitted On motion club adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson Mrs McKean President Secretary The Cary Club met with Mrs Hutchinson June 5 1905. thriteen members present. quotations were given and the minutes of last meeting read and approved. The committee on last years programs reported and were discharged. their report being duly accepted. Mrs. Rathbun was appointed to ascertain the cost of reprinting last years programs. Current events were then given after which the Club tea was served which was enjoyed to the fullest extent by all present. Club then adjourned to meet at the call of the President in the fall. Mrs. Hutchinson M. E. McKean President Sec'y
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries