Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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Marion Iowa Oct 11 - 1909 Cary Club met at 2.30pm with Mrs Rathbun, with fourteen members present. At roll call each member responded with a quotation from "Cary sisters". Discussion followed after the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting relative to the Rummage Sale and several members volunteered to assist in the sale [&?] the balance of the goods Mrs [Blinks?] was elected a member of the Club in the place of Mrs Parmeter, who has removed to Caliente Nevada Programme followed with a [f?] [d?] "Yakawa Valley" by Mrs Bailey A recitation by Mrs Ives and in the absence of Mrs Beatty Mrs Pyle read a paper on a "Mexican Street Scene". Current events were discussed when at 4.30 meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs E.J. Mentzer Oct 25th Mrs C E Cross Secy Minutes approved as read Mrs Pyle President
Marion Iowa Oct 11 - 1909 Cary Club met at 2.30pm with Mrs Rathbun, with fourteen members present. At roll call each member responded with a quotation from "Cary sisters". Discussion followed after the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting relative to the Rummage Sale and several members volunteered to assist in the sale [&?] the balance of the goods Mrs [Blinks?] was elected a member of the Club in the place of Mrs Parmeter, who has removed to Caliente Nevada Programme followed with a [f?] [d?] "Yakawa Valley" by Mrs Bailey A recitation by Mrs Ives and in the absence of Mrs Beatty Mrs Pyle read a paper on a "Mexican Street Scene". Current events were discussed when at 4.30 meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs E.J. Mentzer Oct 25th Mrs C E Cross Secy Minutes approved as read Mrs Pyle President
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries