Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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Feby 28 1916. The Cary Club met with Mrs Winter for the first time in her new home. Fourteen members and three visitors present. The president presiding, Roll call was our favorite quotations. Minutes of Jan 31 and July 14 read and accepted. A letter of thanks and a [illegible] purposed our membership to be voted in two weeks. The afternoon was spent in a book review, "Making over Martha." given by Mrs Alexander, Motion made to give five dollars from the Treasury towards the lot recently purchased by the City Federation, Carried Current events discussed and adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Phelps. Mrs Aleander Secy. Mrs Bailey Pres. March 13 The Cary Club met with Mrs Phelps March 13 Eleven members present. Roll call answered with quotations on birds Minutes of previous meeting read and accepted, No business. The afternoon was spent in a bird program, Mrs. Mintzer telling of the nesting of birds, and Mrs Blinks of birds in [illegible] and their habits. This was supplemented by showing a large collection of birds eggs of various colors and sizes, the collection having been made by the [illegible] and added much interest to the program. Current items given, and adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Alderman. Mrs Bailey Pres Mrs. Alexander Secy. March 27 Cary Club met with Mrs Alderman. Thirteen members were present an one visitor. Vice president presiding. Miss Mat Wolf of Cedar Rapids gave a short talk in suffrage of the opening of the meeting. Favorite [trees?] were given in response to roll call. Minutes of March 13 read and approved. Mrs. Shumack spent the afternoon in a geographical test that proved to be one to the fullest extent. Current events omitted and adjourned to meet in two weeks for great day Mrs Pyle Vice Pres Mrs Alexander Secy.
Feby 28 1916. The Cary Club met with Mrs Winter for the first time in her new home. Fourteen members and three visitors present. The president presiding, Roll call was our favorite quotations. Minutes of Jan 31 and July 14 read and accepted. A letter of thanks and a [illegible] purposed our membership to be voted in two weeks. The afternoon was spent in a book review, "Making over Martha." given by Mrs Alexander, Motion made to give five dollars from the Treasury towards the lot recently purchased by the City Federation, Carried Current events discussed and adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Phelps. Mrs Aleander Secy. Mrs Bailey Pres. March 13 The Cary Club met with Mrs Phelps March 13 Eleven members present. Roll call answered with quotations on birds Minutes of previous meeting read and accepted, No business. The afternoon was spent in a bird program, Mrs. Mintzer telling of the nesting of birds, and Mrs Blinks of birds in [illegible] and their habits. This was supplemented by showing a large collection of birds eggs of various colors and sizes, the collection having been made by the [illegible] and added much interest to the program. Current items given, and adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs Alderman. Mrs Bailey Pres Mrs. Alexander Secy. March 27 Cary Club met with Mrs Alderman. Thirteen members were present an one visitor. Vice president presiding. Miss Mat Wolf of Cedar Rapids gave a short talk in suffrage of the opening of the meeting. Favorite [trees?] were given in response to roll call. Minutes of March 13 read and approved. Mrs. Shumack spent the afternoon in a geographical test that proved to be one to the fullest extent. Current events omitted and adjourned to meet in two weeks for great day Mrs Pyle Vice Pres Mrs Alexander Secy.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries