Cary Club Minutes, 1918-1923
Page 43
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43 Marion Ia Dec 8th 1919 Cary Club met at the home of Mrs A L Blinks Club was called to order by Pres. Mrs Alexander. Twelve members & one visitor Mrs M Noris present. Roll call was ans'd by quotations. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved. President urged delegates to attend the meeting of City Fed of Womens Clubs, to be held Dec 9th. Mrs Winter gave a very interesting book review of "The Valley of Giants" a story account of the settlers & there troubles in [illegible] Current events were given Club adjourned to meet in two weeks Jan 5th at the home of Mrs Hanscome Susie Brown Sec'y.
43 Marion Ia Dec 8th 1919 Cary Club met at the home of Mrs A L Blinks Club was called to order by Pres. Mrs Alexander. Twelve members & one visitor Mrs M Noris present. Roll call was ans'd by quotations. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved. President urged delegates to attend the meeting of City Fed of Womens Clubs, to be held Dec 9th. Mrs Winter gave a very interesting book review of "The Valley of Giants" a story account of the settlers & there troubles in [illegible] Current events were given Club adjourned to meet in two weeks Jan 5th at the home of Mrs Hanscome Susie Brown Sec'y.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries