Cary Club Minutes, 1918-1923
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From Cork to Killarney- Mrs Pyle Club adjourned to meet in two weeks. Carry Reichert, Secy. Marion, Iowa. Jan. 3rd, 1921. The Cary Club met with Mrs. Wilson at the usual hour. The club was called to order by the President Mrs. Pyle. Seven members responded to roll call. Minutes of last meeting accepted. The club voted to give $10.00 to the Red Cross to the orphans. A Christmas card with greetings was received from Mrs Bailey. Mrs McKean read Stoddards Lecture. Mrs Brown- Irish Novels. Current Events were given and club adjourned to meet in two weeks. Addie Shumakc, Secy. Pro Lem.
From Cork to Killarney- Mrs Pyle Club adjourned to meet in two weeks. Carry Reichert, Secy. Marion, Iowa. Jan. 3rd, 1921. The Cary Club met with Mrs. Wilson at the usual hour. The club was called to order by the President Mrs. Pyle. Seven members responded to roll call. Minutes of last meeting accepted. The club voted to give $10.00 to the Red Cross to the orphans. A Christmas card with greetings was received from Mrs Bailey. Mrs McKean read Stoddards Lecture. Mrs Brown- Irish Novels. Current Events were given and club adjourned to meet in two weeks. Addie Shumakc, Secy. Pro Lem.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries