Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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8 Amendments This constition may be amended by vote of the members present at a regular meeting due notice having been given one month previous, provided said amendment does not conflict with the requirement of the State Union regarding membership fees and remittance and reports. By Laws The following order of bussniss shall be observed in the regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the Union: First half hour devotional exercise Reeding minutes of last meeting Unfinished bussniss Reports of Commities standing or special Presentation of new bussniss Regular corse of reading Discussion. Adjerment Superintendts. Supertendts shall be apointed to have in charge the different lines of work recomemded by the State Union. Member ship fees. The entire membership fee of $1.00 per year shall be payed during the month in which the name is enroled and reported and shall be approprated as follows viz Forty cents to the state and Mational Unions twent cents to the district Union, Twenty five cents for the WCTU Champion and the remander to be retained in the local Treasuer. Remittance The Tresuer of this Union shall remit semiannal in the first week of March and the Auxiliary fees for the district State and National Unions .85 cts per year for each member of the Union All remitrence shall be by Post Office orders or drafts if posible to prevent loss, never by postage stamps exceding .25 cts
8 Amendments This constition may be amended by vote of the members present at a regular meeting due notice having been given one month previous, provided said amendment does not conflict with the requirement of the State Union regarding membership fees and remittance and reports. By Laws The following order of bussniss shall be observed in the regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the Union: First half hour devotional exercise Reeding minutes of last meeting Unfinished bussniss Reports of Commities standing or special Presentation of new bussniss Regular corse of reading Discussion. Adjerment Superintendts. Supertendts shall be apointed to have in charge the different lines of work recomemded by the State Union. Member ship fees. The entire membership fee of $1.00 per year shall be payed during the month in which the name is enroled and reported and shall be approprated as follows viz Forty cents to the state and Mational Unions twent cents to the district Union, Twenty five cents for the WCTU Champion and the remander to be retained in the local Treasuer. Remittance The Tresuer of this Union shall remit semiannal in the first week of March and the Auxiliary fees for the district State and National Unions .85 cts per year for each member of the Union All remitrence shall be by Post Office orders or drafts if posible to prevent loss, never by postage stamps exceding .25 cts
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries