Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The annual picnic and regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held at the home of Mrs. E.M. Kearney July 21 at three o'clock. Mrs. Alfred Howell had charge of the devotionals. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Reports of the County convention held the day previous were then given by Mrs. Hess Miss Bailey Mrs. Stoaks and others. These reports were then followed by a report on the essay by the president. A pleasing feature of the afternoon was the receiving of a white ribbon recruit Charles Howard, the little son of Mr and Mrs Harvey Howell. A card was then read from Miss Delma Anger. It was also mentioned that the yearly dues could be paid so the treasurer could send in her report. The nominating committee Mrs. kearney Mrs. Watland and Mrs. Heisel was appointed. the meeting was then given over to the Westfield ladies who gave us a very pleasing and entertaining program. At the close of the program a bountiful picnic supper was served. A very pleasant afternoon for all who participated. Many thanks to Mrs. E.M. Kearney Mrs. James mcKee Secretary W.C.T.U. Meets with mrs. P.A. Madill the Woman's Christian temperance Union met in the home of Mrs. Madill tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J.S. Stoaks led the devotionals, citing references from Paul's letters to the churches he organized, exorting the people to practice temperance in all things. Mrs. Wm. Hamilton read a paper on "Law Enforcement," stressing the slogan, "Observance and Enforcement - Not Repeal." A lively discussion followed. this paper will appear in full, in a later publication. The County Convention date will be July 20, held at Montezuma, with State President, Mrs. Ida B. Smith, speaker. Prof. F.L. Bauman will talk to the high school next Tuesday morning on "World Peace." Knowing Prof. Bauman's ability, we aticipate this date with pleasure. Misses Carolyn and Louise Nuckolls pleased the audience with three flute duets,very prettily rendered. Meeting adjourned with W.C.T.U. benediction.
The annual picnic and regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held at the home of Mrs. E.M. Kearney July 21 at three o'clock. Mrs. Alfred Howell had charge of the devotionals. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Reports of the County convention held the day previous were then given by Mrs. Hess Miss Bailey Mrs. Stoaks and others. These reports were then followed by a report on the essay by the president. A pleasing feature of the afternoon was the receiving of a white ribbon recruit Charles Howard, the little son of Mr and Mrs Harvey Howell. A card was then read from Miss Delma Anger. It was also mentioned that the yearly dues could be paid so the treasurer could send in her report. The nominating committee Mrs. kearney Mrs. Watland and Mrs. Heisel was appointed. the meeting was then given over to the Westfield ladies who gave us a very pleasing and entertaining program. At the close of the program a bountiful picnic supper was served. A very pleasant afternoon for all who participated. Many thanks to Mrs. E.M. Kearney Mrs. James mcKee Secretary W.C.T.U. Meets with mrs. P.A. Madill the Woman's Christian temperance Union met in the home of Mrs. Madill tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J.S. Stoaks led the devotionals, citing references from Paul's letters to the churches he organized, exorting the people to practice temperance in all things. Mrs. Wm. Hamilton read a paper on "Law Enforcement," stressing the slogan, "Observance and Enforcement - Not Repeal." A lively discussion followed. this paper will appear in full, in a later publication. The County Convention date will be July 20, held at Montezuma, with State President, Mrs. Ida B. Smith, speaker. Prof. F.L. Bauman will talk to the high school next Tuesday morning on "World Peace." Knowing Prof. Bauman's ability, we aticipate this date with pleasure. Misses Carolyn and Louise Nuckolls pleased the audience with three flute duets,very prettily rendered. Meeting adjourned with W.C.T.U. benediction.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries