Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. J.C. Back on May 17, 1932. The meeting was opened by the song "America." Mrs. Hamilton, who had charge of the devotionals, read from the first chapter of the Proverbs. mrs. Bouma then sang the ninety-first Psalm. The minutes were read and approved. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Union Signal be sent to Miss Kate Hill and that a copy also should be placed in the public library. A discussion concerning the county convention which is to take place on June 10 was carried on. Announcement was made of a special prayer meeting for the success of prohibition to be held June 2 at two o'clock. Rev. richard Sneed then gave a fine talk on "A Young Man's Ideals of Citizenship." The meeting was closed by the usual benediction. Mrs. James mcKee Sec'ty. There then followed six Preparatory Conferences, under the League of Nations, just to get together and feel the way. finally came the First General Conference, in regard to both naval and land armament, for reduction and limitation of arms. This is the crisis that the world has been waiting for ever since 1918. All former conferences were simply preliminary. When Germany disarmed, it was promised that ultimately other nations would disarm. Another reason why this is the most important one is that there are women delegates. Miss Woolly, president of Mt. Holyoke College, made possible the presenting of petitions signed by 8 million women of the world. By Miss Woolly's influence, these petitions were presented not to a committee in a little committee room, as always heretofore, but to the General Convention. Four women abreast, of each country, from 55 countries, filed in a presented their petitions, the silent procession having all the dignified impressiveness and dramatic quality of a pageant. One woman, the chairman of the committee, Miss Mary Dingman, spoke the only words. James frederick Greene of Yale spoke for the young men. He said only ten years after the war all military glamour and glory were gone. The young people of today do not worship military fame. We love and honor those who laid down their lives, but we question the judgment of those responsible for their death. "The other speakers have much at stake," said Greene, "but we have even more, for we are literally fighting for our lives. It is my generation which will be called upon to surrender all we consider worth while in life in order to become targets for machine gun bullets, and victims of poison gas. It is my generation which will be called upon to destroy the best of human culture, perhaps civilization itself, for causes which future historians will discover to be erroneous, if not utterly stupid or actually vicious. We have lost interest in being prepared for cannon fodder. We desire to live, and to live in peace. We desire to construct a world society providing freedom, equal opportunities and a sense of security." Lord Robert Cecil made an address before that conference. he made this point. We want to cut off aggressive armaments. But every nation says that! Now what are aggressive armaments? Fixed guns are defensive. movable guns are aggressive. It is conceded that tanks, heavy mobile artillery, poison gas, bombing planes, battleships, and submarines, are aggressive. Italy, only is willing to do away with all of them. Gibson, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, proposes that the U.S. is willing to do away with tanks, heavy mobile artillery, and poison gas. That leaves submarines, planes and battleships. Making the division between means of aggressive warfare and defensive means, was a clever psychological distinction. Mrs. Conard closed her talk by saying there was a difference between the spiritual attitude of Colflesh, "War is inevitable. there will always be war", and libby's attitude of faith and trust. The meeting closed with the remarks of the president, Mrs. C.S. George, that the bearer of weapons brings danger upon himself, that it is because the burglar and the holdup thinks we may have a weapon about us, that he carries a weapon himself.
The W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. J.C. Back on May 17, 1932. The meeting was opened by the song "America." Mrs. Hamilton, who had charge of the devotionals, read from the first chapter of the Proverbs. mrs. Bouma then sang the ninety-first Psalm. The minutes were read and approved. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Union Signal be sent to Miss Kate Hill and that a copy also should be placed in the public library. A discussion concerning the county convention which is to take place on June 10 was carried on. Announcement was made of a special prayer meeting for the success of prohibition to be held June 2 at two o'clock. Rev. richard Sneed then gave a fine talk on "A Young Man's Ideals of Citizenship." The meeting was closed by the usual benediction. Mrs. James mcKee Sec'ty. There then followed six Preparatory Conferences, under the League of Nations, just to get together and feel the way. finally came the First General Conference, in regard to both naval and land armament, for reduction and limitation of arms. This is the crisis that the world has been waiting for ever since 1918. All former conferences were simply preliminary. When Germany disarmed, it was promised that ultimately other nations would disarm. Another reason why this is the most important one is that there are women delegates. Miss Woolly, president of Mt. Holyoke College, made possible the presenting of petitions signed by 8 million women of the world. By Miss Woolly's influence, these petitions were presented not to a committee in a little committee room, as always heretofore, but to the General Convention. Four women abreast, of each country, from 55 countries, filed in a presented their petitions, the silent procession having all the dignified impressiveness and dramatic quality of a pageant. One woman, the chairman of the committee, Miss Mary Dingman, spoke the only words. James frederick Greene of Yale spoke for the young men. He said only ten years after the war all military glamour and glory were gone. The young people of today do not worship military fame. We love and honor those who laid down their lives, but we question the judgment of those responsible for their death. "The other speakers have much at stake," said Greene, "but we have even more, for we are literally fighting for our lives. It is my generation which will be called upon to surrender all we consider worth while in life in order to become targets for machine gun bullets, and victims of poison gas. It is my generation which will be called upon to destroy the best of human culture, perhaps civilization itself, for causes which future historians will discover to be erroneous, if not utterly stupid or actually vicious. We have lost interest in being prepared for cannon fodder. We desire to live, and to live in peace. We desire to construct a world society providing freedom, equal opportunities and a sense of security." Lord Robert Cecil made an address before that conference. he made this point. We want to cut off aggressive armaments. But every nation says that! Now what are aggressive armaments? Fixed guns are defensive. movable guns are aggressive. It is conceded that tanks, heavy mobile artillery, poison gas, bombing planes, battleships, and submarines, are aggressive. Italy, only is willing to do away with all of them. Gibson, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, proposes that the U.S. is willing to do away with tanks, heavy mobile artillery, and poison gas. That leaves submarines, planes and battleships. Making the division between means of aggressive warfare and defensive means, was a clever psychological distinction. Mrs. Conard closed her talk by saying there was a difference between the spiritual attitude of Colflesh, "War is inevitable. there will always be war", and libby's attitude of faith and trust. The meeting closed with the remarks of the president, Mrs. C.S. George, that the bearer of weapons brings danger upon himself, that it is because the burglar and the holdup thinks we may have a weapon about us, that he carries a weapon himself.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries