Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The W. C. T. U. annual picnic was held at the home of Mrs. William R. Hamilton, July 10. The opened was was O Master Let Me Walk With Thee. Miss Clara Brownell read the devotions. Minutes were read and approved. The dime cards were collected. Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Hess were appointed nominating committee. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Lincoln send for literature as usual. A very fine program was given by the Westfield Union. After-which a pot luck picnic supper was enjoyed. A very pleasant afternoon, many thanks to Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. James McKee Secty. W. C. T. U. Annual Picnic Tuesday The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday, July 19 at the home of Mrs. William R. Hamilton. The opening song was O, Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. Miss Clara Brownell read the devotions, using the Devotional Topic June found on the page in the Union Signal devoted to the Young People's Branch. The topic was, A Great Gift, I Kings 4, 29. God Gave Soloman. Wisdom. Understanding. Largeness of Heart. There was a piano solo by Mrs. Willis E. Evans, and prayer by Mrs. Stoaks. At the business meeting, a report was made of the address given at the county meeting. When the 18th Amendment was pased, a group of millionaires united in the announced determination to prove that National Prohibition would not work. Their idea was that if the federal treasury had enough money from the sale of liquor, it would not require a high income tax on their millions. It did not touch their feelings at all that if liquor were legal the country would be flooded with huge amounts of liquor, and every inducement in advertisements brought to bear, and every temptation be constantly before the faves of many who now never see it unless they diligently seek it, and who perhaps have inherited a taste of liquor, and that many who now buy necessities for their families would be paying to Uncle Sam the tax which the millionaires hoped would lighten the demands upon income tax. The program was given by the Westfield Union, prepared by B. W. Quivey, and announced by her daughter Mrs. Evans. The topic of the house was given by Mrs. Howell on the subject, "What Should Prohibition Mean to Us?" Mrs. Howell began by saying that a boy in his teens sometimes thinks it is smart to appear tough, and in trying to do so sometimes gets into serious trouble. She told earnestly about a mother who had no anxiety about her husband as to liquor, as a boyhood experience had led him to take a dry stand when a youth. Their son reached manhood without giving them any anxiety. But when the grandsons were little fellows, it came to her. "My blood goes down thru all these generations. What will later generations be like if ideals are not taught carefully? Is there anything I ought to do for my grandsons? Or for my neighbor's children? Yes, I am indeed, my brother's keeper!" The entertainment part of the program was as follows: Music, Mrs. Harry Brown and Miss Beulah, flue solo, Autumnal Days. Reading, Dorothy Vogt. Song, Mrs. Jesse Lord and son Charlie. Early Life of Frances Willard, Nellie Lincoln. Solo, Mrs. Harvey Howell. Reading, Mrs. Jesse Lord. Music, Mrs. Brown and Miss Beulah. Song, America. About thirty were present. A pot luck picnic was enjoyed on the screened porch were a daintily appointed table was attractively centered by a vase of garden flowers.
The W. C. T. U. annual picnic was held at the home of Mrs. William R. Hamilton, July 10. The opened was was O Master Let Me Walk With Thee. Miss Clara Brownell read the devotions. Minutes were read and approved. The dime cards were collected. Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Hess were appointed nominating committee. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Lincoln send for literature as usual. A very fine program was given by the Westfield Union. After-which a pot luck picnic supper was enjoyed. A very pleasant afternoon, many thanks to Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. James McKee Secty. W. C. T. U. Annual Picnic Tuesday The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday, July 19 at the home of Mrs. William R. Hamilton. The opening song was O, Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. Miss Clara Brownell read the devotions, using the Devotional Topic June found on the page in the Union Signal devoted to the Young People's Branch. The topic was, A Great Gift, I Kings 4, 29. God Gave Soloman. Wisdom. Understanding. Largeness of Heart. There was a piano solo by Mrs. Willis E. Evans, and prayer by Mrs. Stoaks. At the business meeting, a report was made of the address given at the county meeting. When the 18th Amendment was pased, a group of millionaires united in the announced determination to prove that National Prohibition would not work. Their idea was that if the federal treasury had enough money from the sale of liquor, it would not require a high income tax on their millions. It did not touch their feelings at all that if liquor were legal the country would be flooded with huge amounts of liquor, and every inducement in advertisements brought to bear, and every temptation be constantly before the faves of many who now never see it unless they diligently seek it, and who perhaps have inherited a taste of liquor, and that many who now buy necessities for their families would be paying to Uncle Sam the tax which the millionaires hoped would lighten the demands upon income tax. The program was given by the Westfield Union, prepared by B. W. Quivey, and announced by her daughter Mrs. Evans. The topic of the house was given by Mrs. Howell on the subject, "What Should Prohibition Mean to Us?" Mrs. Howell began by saying that a boy in his teens sometimes thinks it is smart to appear tough, and in trying to do so sometimes gets into serious trouble. She told earnestly about a mother who had no anxiety about her husband as to liquor, as a boyhood experience had led him to take a dry stand when a youth. Their son reached manhood without giving them any anxiety. But when the grandsons were little fellows, it came to her. "My blood goes down thru all these generations. What will later generations be like if ideals are not taught carefully? Is there anything I ought to do for my grandsons? Or for my neighbor's children? Yes, I am indeed, my brother's keeper!" The entertainment part of the program was as follows: Music, Mrs. Harry Brown and Miss Beulah, flue solo, Autumnal Days. Reading, Dorothy Vogt. Song, Mrs. Jesse Lord and son Charlie. Early Life of Frances Willard, Nellie Lincoln. Solo, Mrs. Harvey Howell. Reading, Mrs. Jesse Lord. Music, Mrs. Brown and Miss Beulah. Song, America. About thirty were present. A pot luck picnic was enjoyed on the screened porch were a daintily appointed table was attractively centered by a vase of garden flowers.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries