Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. H. H. Fleener Sept 20. Devotionals were in charge of Mrs. German. The meeting was opened by the song, "We must enforce the Law." Scripture read was Joshua I. A clipping from the Christian Herald was read. The article by Gladstone Richardson dealt with securing dry votes in the coming election. Prayer was offered by Mrs. G. W. Richards. Secretary's report read and approved. The Treasurer reported a balance of $20.63 in the treasury. Nominations of the Superintendents of Departments was read by the Secretary. It was voted that the entire list as read be accepted. The following delegates to the State Convention at Dennison were appointed: Mrs. Robt. Lincoln, Miss Carrie Butler, Ms. Humphrey, Miss Ada Park. Motion for election of delegates was made by Mrs. J. C. Lincoln, seconded by Miss Bailey. Motion was made by Miss Bailey, seconded by Mrs. Watland. "To have a committee drafted at the State Convention to have charge of resolutions for Prohibition and against resubmission of the 18th Amendment and to send them to the members as soon as they are elected, even before measures are brought up in Congress that that local Unions should do the same." Motion carried. Miss Ada Park was made a life member at this meeting. It was voted to have the Secretary send a message of sympathy to Mrs. Kearney from the W. C. T. U. It was reported by Mrs. Watland that 1000 stickers had been ordered and received and that a number had been sent out. The members were urged to use them and give them to people who would use them to advantage. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Bray who gave an interesting talk on "Child Welfare," bringing to us the phase which most interested her, "The Importance of forming good reading habits." At the close of the lesson while the hostess served refreshments in honor of the incoming and outgoing officers we were favored by some vocal selections, one a duet by Anna Mae Schooley and Jane Huff, "Diamonds in the Rough and a selection by Cecilia Cook, "Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Mrs. Geo. Lincoln Secretary
W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. H. H. Fleener Sept 20. Devotionals were in charge of Mrs. German. The meeting was opened by the song, "We must enforce the Law." Scripture read was Joshua I. A clipping from the Christian Herald was read. The article by Gladstone Richardson dealt with securing dry votes in the coming election. Prayer was offered by Mrs. G. W. Richards. Secretary's report read and approved. The Treasurer reported a balance of $20.63 in the treasury. Nominations of the Superintendents of Departments was read by the Secretary. It was voted that the entire list as read be accepted. The following delegates to the State Convention at Dennison were appointed: Mrs. Robt. Lincoln, Miss Carrie Butler, Ms. Humphrey, Miss Ada Park. Motion for election of delegates was made by Mrs. J. C. Lincoln, seconded by Miss Bailey. Motion was made by Miss Bailey, seconded by Mrs. Watland. "To have a committee drafted at the State Convention to have charge of resolutions for Prohibition and against resubmission of the 18th Amendment and to send them to the members as soon as they are elected, even before measures are brought up in Congress that that local Unions should do the same." Motion carried. Miss Ada Park was made a life member at this meeting. It was voted to have the Secretary send a message of sympathy to Mrs. Kearney from the W. C. T. U. It was reported by Mrs. Watland that 1000 stickers had been ordered and received and that a number had been sent out. The members were urged to use them and give them to people who would use them to advantage. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Bray who gave an interesting talk on "Child Welfare," bringing to us the phase which most interested her, "The Importance of forming good reading habits." At the close of the lesson while the hostess served refreshments in honor of the incoming and outgoing officers we were favored by some vocal selections, one a duet by Anna Mae Schooley and Jane Huff, "Diamonds in the Rough and a selection by Cecilia Cook, "Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Mrs. Geo. Lincoln Secretary
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries