Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 64
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64 W.C.T.U. met at the country home of Mrs Ed Bohstedt June 27th one week later than the usual date. Mrs German had charge of devotionals. Song "Lead on, Oh King Eternal" Scripture from Ephesians 6-11:18 Mrs German than read an article from the S. S. Times, "Putting on the whole armor of God." Prayer by Mrs Wm Hamilton.Violin Solo by Marianna Brown accompanied on the piano by her sister. Sec. report read and approved. Mrs Hamilton spoke of essay contest and its winners. A letter of appreciation from Frances Jean Pilgrim, winner of 1st prize was read. Mrs Kearney spoke of peace essay contest work [?] Mrs Hamilton reported on Poster Contest $5 was divided for four prizes. Flower Mission Bill of $3.38 presented. Motion by Mrs Kearney seconded by Mrs McGwin that bill be allowed. Flower report given. 80 bouquets sent to Juvenile Home. 30 bouquets sent to Hospitals and shut ins. Miss Bailey suggested that it be published that flowers were given by W.C.T.U. for the Elliott funeral to show appreciation of a dry worker giving his life to the cause. Pres. report-Balance of $5. all urged to pay dues. Letter from Ida B. Wise Smith read. It was suggested that the Sec. be instructed to write a word of greeting to her. Miss Bailey moved picnic be abandoned this year. Seconded by Mrs Watland. After remarks a vote was taken showing 6 in favor of motion 7 opposed. Motion lost. Miss Butler gave report of Co Convention. Song "Ashamed of Jesus" by Miss Schooby- Miss Huff. A poem written by Mrs Royce of Merom{?] was read by Mrs Robt Lincoln who also gave a few thoughts from addresses of Co. Convention. Several vocal selections were given by the Misses Schooley and Huff after which Mrs Bohstedt served dainty refreshments. Meeting adjuourned by beneiction. Mrs Geo Lincoln-Sec.
64 W.C.T.U. met at the country home of Mrs Ed Bohstedt June 27th one week later than the usual date. Mrs German had charge of devotionals. Song "Lead on, Oh King Eternal" Scripture from Ephesians 6-11:18 Mrs German than read an article from the S. S. Times, "Putting on the whole armor of God." Prayer by Mrs Wm Hamilton.Violin Solo by Marianna Brown accompanied on the piano by her sister. Sec. report read and approved. Mrs Hamilton spoke of essay contest and its winners. A letter of appreciation from Frances Jean Pilgrim, winner of 1st prize was read. Mrs Kearney spoke of peace essay contest work [?] Mrs Hamilton reported on Poster Contest $5 was divided for four prizes. Flower Mission Bill of $3.38 presented. Motion by Mrs Kearney seconded by Mrs McGwin that bill be allowed. Flower report given. 80 bouquets sent to Juvenile Home. 30 bouquets sent to Hospitals and shut ins. Miss Bailey suggested that it be published that flowers were given by W.C.T.U. for the Elliott funeral to show appreciation of a dry worker giving his life to the cause. Pres. report-Balance of $5. all urged to pay dues. Letter from Ida B. Wise Smith read. It was suggested that the Sec. be instructed to write a word of greeting to her. Miss Bailey moved picnic be abandoned this year. Seconded by Mrs Watland. After remarks a vote was taken showing 6 in favor of motion 7 opposed. Motion lost. Miss Butler gave report of Co Convention. Song "Ashamed of Jesus" by Miss Schooby- Miss Huff. A poem written by Mrs Royce of Merom{?] was read by Mrs Robt Lincoln who also gave a few thoughts from addresses of Co. Convention. Several vocal selections were given by the Misses Schooley and Huff after which Mrs Bohstedt served dainty refreshments. Meeting adjuourned by beneiction. Mrs Geo Lincoln-Sec.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries