Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The January meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held at the home of Mrs. W, Hamilton Jan 16. Mrs Robert Lincoln had charge of devotionals Meeting opening by singing of Crusade Hymn. Scripture verses from Luke 24 "In His Name will we set up our banners." Mrs. Lincoln's remarks were very comforting and encouraging. Rev. Conover led us in Prayer. Mrs. Stewart then introduced our guest speaker Mrs. Conover. Secretary's report read and approved. Report of Program Committee given by Mrs Robt Lincoln. Bill of $2.75 presented for printing of programs. Motion made by Mrs. Mitchell seconded by Mrs. George that bill be allowed. Motion carried. Communications from our State Pres. urging all [illegible] to attend Regional Conference of Omaha Jan 24, and State Conference Jan 25. Some discussion held as to sending a delegate to the Conference. Motion was made and seconded that as Ministers now go on half fare Miss Butler be sent and W.C.T.U. pay the fare also pay the clergy order of $2.00. Motion carried. If Miss Butler unable to go she should appoint an alternate. Motion made that bill of $5 be allowed for the three funds. Lillian Stevens Frances & Willard, and State Legislative work. Motion carried. Matter of S.T.I. work brouh up. Motion made that work be carried on again this year and the same amount in prizes be paid as was paid last year. Motion seconded and carried. Miss Bailey [bro't?] up the matter of Davis bootlegging case. She suggested if Mrs. Davis is sent to Rockwell City a committee be appointed to write a petition to be sent to Gov. Herring asking him not to grant her a pardon. Motion made and seconded that the Pres. appoint this committee. Motion carried. Mrs. Mitchell accepted her life membership certificate and responded in a gracious manner. She also gave two short readings which were enjoyed very much. Special Music was given by Zelma Hart, Ruth Stanley, Norma Crowder. Meeting closed by prayer by Mrs. Conover after which refrechments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. George Lincoln.
The January meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held at the home of Mrs. W, Hamilton Jan 16. Mrs Robert Lincoln had charge of devotionals Meeting opening by singing of Crusade Hymn. Scripture verses from Luke 24 "In His Name will we set up our banners." Mrs. Lincoln's remarks were very comforting and encouraging. Rev. Conover led us in Prayer. Mrs. Stewart then introduced our guest speaker Mrs. Conover. Secretary's report read and approved. Report of Program Committee given by Mrs Robt Lincoln. Bill of $2.75 presented for printing of programs. Motion made by Mrs. Mitchell seconded by Mrs. George that bill be allowed. Motion carried. Communications from our State Pres. urging all [illegible] to attend Regional Conference of Omaha Jan 24, and State Conference Jan 25. Some discussion held as to sending a delegate to the Conference. Motion was made and seconded that as Ministers now go on half fare Miss Butler be sent and W.C.T.U. pay the fare also pay the clergy order of $2.00. Motion carried. If Miss Butler unable to go she should appoint an alternate. Motion made that bill of $5 be allowed for the three funds. Lillian Stevens Frances & Willard, and State Legislative work. Motion carried. Matter of S.T.I. work brouh up. Motion made that work be carried on again this year and the same amount in prizes be paid as was paid last year. Motion seconded and carried. Miss Bailey [bro't?] up the matter of Davis bootlegging case. She suggested if Mrs. Davis is sent to Rockwell City a committee be appointed to write a petition to be sent to Gov. Herring asking him not to grant her a pardon. Motion made and seconded that the Pres. appoint this committee. Motion carried. Mrs. Mitchell accepted her life membership certificate and responded in a gracious manner. She also gave two short readings which were enjoyed very much. Special Music was given by Zelma Hart, Ruth Stanley, Norma Crowder. Meeting closed by prayer by Mrs. Conover after which refrechments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. George Lincoln.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries