Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 89
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89 -Sept. 1934- The W.C.T.U. met Sept. 18, 1934 at the home of Mrs. W. J. Stewart. Mrs. Jessie Lincoln read the devotionals. Mrs. William Hamilton was the meeting leader. At Mrs. Hamilton's request, the first prizes for temperance essays were read. John Trusedale read his own paper. Bettie Tinnes read the paper written by Elizabeth Bamford. At the business meeting, the minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved. Treasurer's report was read by the secretary, and approved. Miss Park read that the Herald is still willing to print our column. They had got behind where they were too busy; and are ready to print something timely for us. Mrs. Hamilton reported that she had purchased one copy of the Syllabus, and loaned it to Miss Babsin, but that it had been so recently loaned that no report had been made yet. Miss Bailey reminded us that this was the date for appointing heads of departments. This duty was put off till another meeting. Mrs. German announced that the barrel is at her house. Other things than fruit can be put in. Miss Butler announced that the convention would be on a week-end. Miss Bailey moved that Miss Butler go as a delegate and her expenses be paid. Seconded and carried. Miss Bailey also moved that Mrs. Kearney be a delegate. Seconded and carried. After the business meeting, Miss Bobzin and some of her pupils came, by Mrs. Hamilton's arrangement, and gave an exhibition of the work done with blotters, which showed that the children understand the temperance lessons given in school. Adjournment. Ada Park, secy. Minutes approved. image-newspaper clipping W.C.T.U HAS INTERESTING MEETING The September meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Stewart was in charge of Mrs. William Hamilton chairman of Scientific Temperance Instruction. At Mrs. Hamilton's request, the two temperance essays that took first prize were read by a boy and a girl. Miss Emma Bobzin, principal of the Junior High, brought some of her pupils and put them through an unprepared exercise, showing the Union how the blotters which they annually give to the school children are made use of. Miss Bobzin gave each child one or two blotters on which are printed temperance facts or sentiments. Each child read his, and told what he thought it meant, and what he thought about it. These little talks showed that the temperance instruction received in school has been clearly understood and acceptable. Miss Bobzin explained that the temperance work is not given at any regular hour or day, but is taken up when any event of public interest calls up the subject. Statistics given on blotters serve in the arithmetic class in regard to taxes. Sometimes the work is taken up in the English classes, or there is merely a little discussion at some convenient moment after a great accident is reported in the papers caused by drunken driving.
89 -Sept. 1934- The W.C.T.U. met Sept. 18, 1934 at the home of Mrs. W. J. Stewart. Mrs. Jessie Lincoln read the devotionals. Mrs. William Hamilton was the meeting leader. At Mrs. Hamilton's request, the first prizes for temperance essays were read. John Trusedale read his own paper. Bettie Tinnes read the paper written by Elizabeth Bamford. At the business meeting, the minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved. Treasurer's report was read by the secretary, and approved. Miss Park read that the Herald is still willing to print our column. They had got behind where they were too busy; and are ready to print something timely for us. Mrs. Hamilton reported that she had purchased one copy of the Syllabus, and loaned it to Miss Babsin, but that it had been so recently loaned that no report had been made yet. Miss Bailey reminded us that this was the date for appointing heads of departments. This duty was put off till another meeting. Mrs. German announced that the barrel is at her house. Other things than fruit can be put in. Miss Butler announced that the convention would be on a week-end. Miss Bailey moved that Miss Butler go as a delegate and her expenses be paid. Seconded and carried. Miss Bailey also moved that Mrs. Kearney be a delegate. Seconded and carried. After the business meeting, Miss Bobzin and some of her pupils came, by Mrs. Hamilton's arrangement, and gave an exhibition of the work done with blotters, which showed that the children understand the temperance lessons given in school. Adjournment. Ada Park, secy. Minutes approved. image-newspaper clipping W.C.T.U HAS INTERESTING MEETING The September meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Stewart was in charge of Mrs. William Hamilton chairman of Scientific Temperance Instruction. At Mrs. Hamilton's request, the two temperance essays that took first prize were read by a boy and a girl. Miss Emma Bobzin, principal of the Junior High, brought some of her pupils and put them through an unprepared exercise, showing the Union how the blotters which they annually give to the school children are made use of. Miss Bobzin gave each child one or two blotters on which are printed temperance facts or sentiments. Each child read his, and told what he thought it meant, and what he thought about it. These little talks showed that the temperance instruction received in school has been clearly understood and acceptable. Miss Bobzin explained that the temperance work is not given at any regular hour or day, but is taken up when any event of public interest calls up the subject. Statistics given on blotters serve in the arithmetic class in regard to taxes. Sometimes the work is taken up in the English classes, or there is merely a little discussion at some convenient moment after a great accident is reported in the papers caused by drunken driving.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries