Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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April 1935 (continued) is a decade ahead of anything we have had before. The Syllabus is one of the finest things that ever came into the schools. Mrs. Gregson gave a resume of the experiments put on by Miss Palmer at the Des Moines meeting. Lesson from Genesis: Matter - land and water. Plant - breathes, but has no motion. Animal - breathe and act. Frinally - man. In one bottle of beer- 6 teaspoons of alcohol. Some drinkers when they have taken 6 teaspoonfuls of alcohol see red light as white. Alcohol goes from head to toes in 36 seconds. Passes thru walls of stomach into blood vessels. Lipoid covers the nerves, like insulation on wires. Alcohol absorbs water. Alcohol takes the watery covering off the nerves; is like taking the insulation off wires. Impulses get mixed info. Miss Samuelson is very desirous of getting the Syllabus into all the schools of Iowa, from kindergarten to & thru high school. Instead of giving prizes we are asked to take the save money and put the syllabus in the schools. Mrs. Gregson announced that on Fri. Apr. 19, the county W.C.T.U. would meet with her at her home, a potluck, at 11:30. Mrs. Denham will be there. A local com. will judge the work suitable for display. None below 60% will be displayed. I here will be a county display at the county convention. I here will be seals of recognition. It is believed the country schools can be financed to the syllabus with the interest on the library fund. Syllabus Study to be called A Course of Scientific Temperance Instruction. Regular class hour. The group appreciated Mrs. Gregson's invitation to her home. Rev. W. J. Stewart the speaker at Good Friday services after the potluck. Rural teachers will have a teachers' meeting the first week in Sept. in Grinnell. All teachers in Oct. in G. Ada Park-secy. Min. approved May 21, 1935.
April 1935 (continued) is a decade ahead of anything we have had before. The Syllabus is one of the finest things that ever came into the schools. Mrs. Gregson gave a resume of the experiments put on by Miss Palmer at the Des Moines meeting. Lesson from Genesis: Matter - land and water. Plant - breathes, but has no motion. Animal - breathe and act. Frinally - man. In one bottle of beer- 6 teaspoons of alcohol. Some drinkers when they have taken 6 teaspoonfuls of alcohol see red light as white. Alcohol goes from head to toes in 36 seconds. Passes thru walls of stomach into blood vessels. Lipoid covers the nerves, like insulation on wires. Alcohol absorbs water. Alcohol takes the watery covering off the nerves; is like taking the insulation off wires. Impulses get mixed info. Miss Samuelson is very desirous of getting the Syllabus into all the schools of Iowa, from kindergarten to & thru high school. Instead of giving prizes we are asked to take the save money and put the syllabus in the schools. Mrs. Gregson announced that on Fri. Apr. 19, the county W.C.T.U. would meet with her at her home, a potluck, at 11:30. Mrs. Denham will be there. A local com. will judge the work suitable for display. None below 60% will be displayed. I here will be a county display at the county convention. I here will be seals of recognition. It is believed the country schools can be financed to the syllabus with the interest on the library fund. Syllabus Study to be called A Course of Scientific Temperance Instruction. Regular class hour. The group appreciated Mrs. Gregson's invitation to her home. Rev. W. J. Stewart the speaker at Good Friday services after the potluck. Rural teachers will have a teachers' meeting the first week in Sept. in Grinnell. All teachers in Oct. in G. Ada Park-secy. Min. approved May 21, 1935.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries