Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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126 March 1936 Twenty two were present at the March meeting which was held with Mrs. Robert Lincoln. Mrs. George Lincoln was in charge of the program. Miss Carrie Butler, the president, presided over the business meeting. Song, by all, "What a friend we have in Jesus". Devotionals, by Rev. Robert Lincoln. Text, Gen. 18:17, 18, 19. God had found a [way?], Abraham, and has confided in him. Modern interpretation, "Balance the Budget". Union of Temperate Christian Women. Who chose the letters" Must be that God had a hand in choosing them. "WE CAN TRUST YOU." Mrs.George Lincoln announced that we have listened to the oldest honorary member, and will now listen to the youngest honorary member, and introduced Mr. Ralph Galt of China. Mr. Galt said in China he never saw a man using liquor. But in China a man uses opium to drown his despair. Miss Jane Lester was the Jane Addams of the old world. Her beautiful Christian character shines out. She is a Brittish citizen. She prayed. She talked to governors and Brittish officials. Mr. Galt's message to us, "You will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with women all over the world, will you not?" Program: Song by Ethel Mae Pierce - "A Rainbow at Sunset for Me". Reading by Elizabeth Lord, "A Colored Funeral", with musical accompainment by her father. Reading by Miss Nellie Lincoln, "It Take a heap o' Living To Make a House a Home". --IN Memoriam-- A eulogy for Mrs. Seymour Stoaks, as the fineral procession passed near the house, was conduded by Mrs. George Lincoln, who softly played, at the piano, "Abide With Me". Mrs. Robert Lincoln spoke a few words. We are glad to know it is only the body tgat us carried to the cemetary. Our friend herself has "gone home." When given that Life Membership Mrs. Soaks had said very earnestly that she valued that
126 March 1936 Twenty two were present at the March meeting which was held with Mrs. Robert Lincoln. Mrs. George Lincoln was in charge of the program. Miss Carrie Butler, the president, presided over the business meeting. Song, by all, "What a friend we have in Jesus". Devotionals, by Rev. Robert Lincoln. Text, Gen. 18:17, 18, 19. God had found a [way?], Abraham, and has confided in him. Modern interpretation, "Balance the Budget". Union of Temperate Christian Women. Who chose the letters" Must be that God had a hand in choosing them. "WE CAN TRUST YOU." Mrs.George Lincoln announced that we have listened to the oldest honorary member, and will now listen to the youngest honorary member, and introduced Mr. Ralph Galt of China. Mr. Galt said in China he never saw a man using liquor. But in China a man uses opium to drown his despair. Miss Jane Lester was the Jane Addams of the old world. Her beautiful Christian character shines out. She is a Brittish citizen. She prayed. She talked to governors and Brittish officials. Mr. Galt's message to us, "You will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with women all over the world, will you not?" Program: Song by Ethel Mae Pierce - "A Rainbow at Sunset for Me". Reading by Elizabeth Lord, "A Colored Funeral", with musical accompainment by her father. Reading by Miss Nellie Lincoln, "It Take a heap o' Living To Make a House a Home". --IN Memoriam-- A eulogy for Mrs. Seymour Stoaks, as the fineral procession passed near the house, was conduded by Mrs. George Lincoln, who softly played, at the piano, "Abide With Me". Mrs. Robert Lincoln spoke a few words. We are glad to know it is only the body tgat us carried to the cemetary. Our friend herself has "gone home." When given that Life Membership Mrs. Soaks had said very earnestly that she valued that
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries