Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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156 Aug. 1938. Sept. 1938. The August meeting was held in the U. P. Church. Mrs. Hadley presided. Devotions were by Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Stewart led in prayer. "We need to depend on Our Father for strength and power." The work was started by one woman. Is carried on by Busy Women of the W.C.T.U. Power is that something which causes us to bring about a change. To win back our government and our citizens to abstinence. Min. of July mtg. approved. Reports from supts. of departments. Mrs. Hess reported 125 bouquets with cards. Vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell for taking the flowers to Toledo. Mrs. Felicia Jensen drove about town for the distribution of 30 bouquest with cards. Miss Sherman sent 20 pamphlets to Malcom. 24 to Searsboro. Union Signal tells us which magazines refuse liquor advertisements. Mrs. Shedenhelm, member of the WCTU of Ladora, visits us at this meeting. collection $1 07. Report of nominating committee was accepted, by which the following were elected officers Aug. 16th: Pres. Mrs. E. W. Gregson. VP. Mrs. George E. Mitchell Secy. Ada Park Treas. Mrs. Robert Lincoln. The Sept. meeting was to be held at Mrs. George's but was postponed one week, and was finally held at home of Mrs. Robert Lincoln. Eleven were present. August min. approved. Mrs. Germann reported on the county convention. Potluck. Play by Brooklyn people. Address by Josie Vander Linden. Bill on barrell allowed. Voted to pay 25c per member for expenses at State Convention at Oskaloosa. Nine members paid. voted to pay from the Treasury $3 00 toward expenses of Conv. which makes $5 00 paid. Mrs. George Lincoln presented devotions and program, "Exhibit of Visual Education." Barrel is ready. 119 qts. charge 55c. Those expecting to go to Oskaloosa--Mrs. Hadley, Mrs. Fleener, Miss Sherman, Mrs. Lord, Miss Brownell, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Murray. Elected Mrs. Mitchell Pres. and Nellie Lincoln V.P. Offering $1 17. Mrs. Walters, Secretary Pro tem.
156 Aug. 1938. Sept. 1938. The August meeting was held in the U. P. Church. Mrs. Hadley presided. Devotions were by Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Stewart led in prayer. "We need to depend on Our Father for strength and power." The work was started by one woman. Is carried on by Busy Women of the W.C.T.U. Power is that something which causes us to bring about a change. To win back our government and our citizens to abstinence. Min. of July mtg. approved. Reports from supts. of departments. Mrs. Hess reported 125 bouquets with cards. Vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell for taking the flowers to Toledo. Mrs. Felicia Jensen drove about town for the distribution of 30 bouquest with cards. Miss Sherman sent 20 pamphlets to Malcom. 24 to Searsboro. Union Signal tells us which magazines refuse liquor advertisements. Mrs. Shedenhelm, member of the WCTU of Ladora, visits us at this meeting. collection $1 07. Report of nominating committee was accepted, by which the following were elected officers Aug. 16th: Pres. Mrs. E. W. Gregson. VP. Mrs. George E. Mitchell Secy. Ada Park Treas. Mrs. Robert Lincoln. The Sept. meeting was to be held at Mrs. George's but was postponed one week, and was finally held at home of Mrs. Robert Lincoln. Eleven were present. August min. approved. Mrs. Germann reported on the county convention. Potluck. Play by Brooklyn people. Address by Josie Vander Linden. Bill on barrell allowed. Voted to pay 25c per member for expenses at State Convention at Oskaloosa. Nine members paid. voted to pay from the Treasury $3 00 toward expenses of Conv. which makes $5 00 paid. Mrs. George Lincoln presented devotions and program, "Exhibit of Visual Education." Barrel is ready. 119 qts. charge 55c. Those expecting to go to Oskaloosa--Mrs. Hadley, Mrs. Fleener, Miss Sherman, Mrs. Lord, Miss Brownell, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Murray. Elected Mrs. Mitchell Pres. and Nellie Lincoln V.P. Offering $1 17. Mrs. Walters, Secretary Pro tem.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries