Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The W.C.T.U. met Dec. 21 - 1943 with Mrs. Mitchell, who conducted a Bible quiz, as education and entertainment and gave 1st and 2nd awards for answers. As Mrs. Renaud, who had been scheduled to conduct devotions could not be present, Mrs. Lela Evans led in devotions. Mrs. Loose presented the program under the topic, "The Spirit of Christ," and told about The Crusade, and gave early dates. November minutes read and accepted. Mrs. Mitchell read a letter asking us to make Buddy bags for the Navy. Voted to make 1 or perhaps 2. Mention Mrs. Wade that an Evangelistic Mission supported by several Churches would begin Jan. 16. Voted that the money that came at our Special Meeting in Dec. be sent at once to China Relief for Children. The hostess served pretty refreshments because this was a Christmas meeting.
The W.C.T.U. met Dec. 21 - 1943 with Mrs. Mitchell, who conducted a Bible quiz, as education and entertainment and gave 1st and 2nd awards for answers. As Mrs. Renaud, who had been scheduled to conduct devotions could not be present, Mrs. Lela Evans led in devotions. Mrs. Loose presented the program under the topic, "The Spirit of Christ," and told about The Crusade, and gave early dates. November minutes read and accepted. Mrs. Mitchell read a letter asking us to make Buddy bags for the Navy. Voted to make 1 or perhaps 2. Mention Mrs. Wade that an Evangelistic Mission supported by several Churches would begin Jan. 16. Voted that the money that came at our Special Meeting in Dec. be sent at once to China Relief for Children. The hostess served pretty refreshments because this was a Christmas meeting.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries