Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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223 April 1945 Mrs. McClure was hostess Aril 26, 1946 to the W.C.TU. Devotions were by Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Jackson, the V.P. presided. Reports were read by the secretary & the assistant treas. The reports. accepted. Miss Sherman says she wrote to Sumner and to Burne. She thanked one, and encouraged the other. Mrs. McBlain said we were urged to have the second Sunday in May as a special community meeting. Union Signal Mar. 31st gives a program. Invite all service men and their families. Have a candle-lighting service. Moved by Mrs. McBlain, seconded by Miss Sherman, carried. Suggestion was made by Mrs. McBlain that thru who have men in the service constitute a committee to make a program and carry it out, Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Stanley, and Mrs. McCargar. It was voted that these 3 and Mrs. McBlain so serve. Mention was made that we held a Mother's Day meeting in the Congregational Church a year ago, and in the Methodist Church two years ago. Cards of sympathy to Mrs. Lincoln ans Mrs. Renfrow on the loss of their husbands. The program was given by Edna Sherman, on the topic, Youth and Democracy. Said that the question has been asked, "To what percent does alcohol affect an unborn baby when the mother takes alcoholic liquors," and the answer is, the baby has the same degree of blood concentration as the mother." Mrs. Jackson suggested we have an hour a week, one period a week with a special teacher, to teach about alcohol. Mrs. Jackson urged faithful attendance. We talked about ministers' wives telling their husbands to make announcement in church about the W.C.T.U. meeting, Moved by Mrs. Sherman, recorded by Mrs. McBlain that the W.C.T.U. meetings be announced in the churches and the secretary tell the ministers wives of [our?] rule. Collection $1.20 Suggestion was made that each month (April continued on next page)
223 April 1945 Mrs. McClure was hostess Aril 26, 1946 to the W.C.TU. Devotions were by Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Jackson, the V.P. presided. Reports were read by the secretary & the assistant treas. The reports. accepted. Miss Sherman says she wrote to Sumner and to Burne. She thanked one, and encouraged the other. Mrs. McBlain said we were urged to have the second Sunday in May as a special community meeting. Union Signal Mar. 31st gives a program. Invite all service men and their families. Have a candle-lighting service. Moved by Mrs. McBlain, seconded by Miss Sherman, carried. Suggestion was made by Mrs. McBlain that thru who have men in the service constitute a committee to make a program and carry it out, Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Stanley, and Mrs. McCargar. It was voted that these 3 and Mrs. McBlain so serve. Mention was made that we held a Mother's Day meeting in the Congregational Church a year ago, and in the Methodist Church two years ago. Cards of sympathy to Mrs. Lincoln ans Mrs. Renfrow on the loss of their husbands. The program was given by Edna Sherman, on the topic, Youth and Democracy. Said that the question has been asked, "To what percent does alcohol affect an unborn baby when the mother takes alcoholic liquors," and the answer is, the baby has the same degree of blood concentration as the mother." Mrs. Jackson suggested we have an hour a week, one period a week with a special teacher, to teach about alcohol. Mrs. Jackson urged faithful attendance. We talked about ministers' wives telling their husbands to make announcement in church about the W.C.T.U. meeting, Moved by Mrs. Sherman, recorded by Mrs. McBlain that the W.C.T.U. meetings be announced in the churches and the secretary tell the ministers wives of [our?] rule. Collection $1.20 Suggestion was made that each month (April continued on next page)
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries