Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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229 September 1945. The First Meeting of 1945-1946. The first meeting of the year 1945-1946 was held September 18, 1945 with Miss Edna Sherman, at the home of Miss Sherman and her sister Mrs. George F. Thomson. Devotions were by Mrs. Gregson. The program was presented by Mrs. Loose, on the subject Physical Fitness. This was an outstandingly interesting, and instructive presentation, and it was the sentiment of the meeting that Mrs. Loose should give it also at the Family Meeting in October. Mrs. Jackson presided at the business session. The secretary's report was read, amended, and accepted. The treasurer's report was read and accepted. The meeting, at which 20 were present, was adjourned, with the benedition. Ada Park, Secy. W.C.T.U. TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The W.C.T.U. will meet with Miss Edna Sherman, 919 Seventh avenue, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 18 at 2:30 o'clock. LOYAL TEMPERANCE UNION TO HAVE GUEST DAY The Loyal Temperance Union will meet in the United Presbyterian church immediately after school Thursday, September 20. All members are urged to be present and to bring their friends. Children under the age of 16 are welcome. There will be a reward for the child who brings the most visitors. The organization is sponsored by the W.C.T.U. October 1945 Des Moines Tribune DES MOINES, IOWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1945. Pick Officers Of W.C.T.U. (The Tribune's Iowa News Service) CHARITON, IA. - Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, 74-year-old temperance leader and former president of the national Womens Christian Temperance Union, was re-elected president of its Iowa organization here Wednesday. Now vice-president of the world W.C.T.U., she also is honorary president of the national organization. Convention Secret. After voting four times without breaking a deadlock for the state vice-presidency, W.C.T.U. delegates said the names of the candidates were a "convention secret" and refused to make them public. Mrs. Berta M. Barber, Denison, was elected corresponding secretary, Mrs. Margaret E. Gawtry, Fort Dodge, recording secretary, and Miss Anna S. F. Hennings, Des Moines, treasurer. Mrs. A. W. McBlain went to Chariton Tuesday to attend the state convention of the W.C.T.U. She expects to return this evening. W.C.T.U. MEETING POSTPONED The October meeting of the W.C.T.U. has been postponed. A new date will be announced in a later issue of the paper. W.C.T.U. HOLDS POTLUCK SUPPER Oct. 23 1945 The W.C.T.U. observed family night with a potluck supper and program in the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. W. McBlain Tuesday evening. After an excellent supper, the Rev. C. D. Loose led the devotions, using II Timothy 1, 1-15, and emphasing the infuence of Christian mothers and grandmothers. Mrs. A. W. McBlain reported on the state W.C.T.U. convention which she attended in Chariton this month. Mrs. H. A. Jackson, Mrs. E. L. McClure, and Mrs. C. D. Loose presented a playlet entitled "Mrs. Benson Wakes Up." There were eighteen persons present. The second meeting of the year was held Oct, 23 with Rev. and Mrs. A. W. McBlain beginning with a six 'oclock supper. (continued on next page)
229 September 1945. The First Meeting of 1945-1946. The first meeting of the year 1945-1946 was held September 18, 1945 with Miss Edna Sherman, at the home of Miss Sherman and her sister Mrs. George F. Thomson. Devotions were by Mrs. Gregson. The program was presented by Mrs. Loose, on the subject Physical Fitness. This was an outstandingly interesting, and instructive presentation, and it was the sentiment of the meeting that Mrs. Loose should give it also at the Family Meeting in October. Mrs. Jackson presided at the business session. The secretary's report was read, amended, and accepted. The treasurer's report was read and accepted. The meeting, at which 20 were present, was adjourned, with the benedition. Ada Park, Secy. W.C.T.U. TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The W.C.T.U. will meet with Miss Edna Sherman, 919 Seventh avenue, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 18 at 2:30 o'clock. LOYAL TEMPERANCE UNION TO HAVE GUEST DAY The Loyal Temperance Union will meet in the United Presbyterian church immediately after school Thursday, September 20. All members are urged to be present and to bring their friends. Children under the age of 16 are welcome. There will be a reward for the child who brings the most visitors. The organization is sponsored by the W.C.T.U. October 1945 Des Moines Tribune DES MOINES, IOWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1945. Pick Officers Of W.C.T.U. (The Tribune's Iowa News Service) CHARITON, IA. - Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, 74-year-old temperance leader and former president of the national Womens Christian Temperance Union, was re-elected president of its Iowa organization here Wednesday. Now vice-president of the world W.C.T.U., she also is honorary president of the national organization. Convention Secret. After voting four times without breaking a deadlock for the state vice-presidency, W.C.T.U. delegates said the names of the candidates were a "convention secret" and refused to make them public. Mrs. Berta M. Barber, Denison, was elected corresponding secretary, Mrs. Margaret E. Gawtry, Fort Dodge, recording secretary, and Miss Anna S. F. Hennings, Des Moines, treasurer. Mrs. A. W. McBlain went to Chariton Tuesday to attend the state convention of the W.C.T.U. She expects to return this evening. W.C.T.U. MEETING POSTPONED The October meeting of the W.C.T.U. has been postponed. A new date will be announced in a later issue of the paper. W.C.T.U. HOLDS POTLUCK SUPPER Oct. 23 1945 The W.C.T.U. observed family night with a potluck supper and program in the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. W. McBlain Tuesday evening. After an excellent supper, the Rev. C. D. Loose led the devotions, using II Timothy 1, 1-15, and emphasing the infuence of Christian mothers and grandmothers. Mrs. A. W. McBlain reported on the state W.C.T.U. convention which she attended in Chariton this month. Mrs. H. A. Jackson, Mrs. E. L. McClure, and Mrs. C. D. Loose presented a playlet entitled "Mrs. Benson Wakes Up." There were eighteen persons present. The second meeting of the year was held Oct, 23 with Rev. and Mrs. A. W. McBlain beginning with a six 'oclock supper. (continued on next page)
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries