Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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May 1947. June 1947. The W.C.T.U. met May 20 at the home of Mrs. H.A. Jackson with 12 members present. Devotionals were led by Mrs. Raffety. After reading a few works of scripture, Mrs. Raffety gave an interesting talk on her conversion, saying she was very young when she converted and that the Lord sanctified her soul. Devotions closed with prayer by Mrs. Hicks. Miss Nellie Lincoln was program leader. Her subject was The World's W.C.T.U. and The Foreign Missionary's Relation to the W.C.T.U. She gave a very interesting talk on this subject. Business meeting followed and was conducted by our President Mrs. Hicks. Secretary's report was read by Mrs. Boyd, and approved. No report from Treasurer. The president asked for old and new business.The subject discussed was Young Folks Organizations. Mrs. Hicks reported she would not be here to attend the rest of the meetings for the year as she and family were moving soon to Portland, Oregon, to make their home. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Jackson write Ethel Hubler of National Voice, inviting her here sometime in July to give an address, she being in Marshalltown July 2nd. Collection $1.25. Meeting adjourned with prayer. -Mrs. H.A. Jackson, Sec. pro tem June 17-1947- The W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. H.A. Jackson. Devotionals were led by Mrs. McBlaine, opened by singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", followed by short prayer by each member present. Devotionals closed by repeating together the 121st Psalm. The program was led by Mrs. Raffety; the subject, "Women's Participation in Our Community." Nellie Lincoln and Mrs. Skiles read articles from different periodicals which were very much enjoyed. Mrs. Skiles and Mrs. Allen were
May 1947. June 1947. The W.C.T.U. met May 20 at the home of Mrs. H.A. Jackson with 12 members present. Devotionals were led by Mrs. Raffety. After reading a few works of scripture, Mrs. Raffety gave an interesting talk on her conversion, saying she was very young when she converted and that the Lord sanctified her soul. Devotions closed with prayer by Mrs. Hicks. Miss Nellie Lincoln was program leader. Her subject was The World's W.C.T.U. and The Foreign Missionary's Relation to the W.C.T.U. She gave a very interesting talk on this subject. Business meeting followed and was conducted by our President Mrs. Hicks. Secretary's report was read by Mrs. Boyd, and approved. No report from Treasurer. The president asked for old and new business.The subject discussed was Young Folks Organizations. Mrs. Hicks reported she would not be here to attend the rest of the meetings for the year as she and family were moving soon to Portland, Oregon, to make their home. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Jackson write Ethel Hubler of National Voice, inviting her here sometime in July to give an address, she being in Marshalltown July 2nd. Collection $1.25. Meeting adjourned with prayer. -Mrs. H.A. Jackson, Sec. pro tem June 17-1947- The W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. H.A. Jackson. Devotionals were led by Mrs. McBlaine, opened by singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", followed by short prayer by each member present. Devotionals closed by repeating together the 121st Psalm. The program was led by Mrs. Raffety; the subject, "Women's Participation in Our Community." Nellie Lincoln and Mrs. Skiles read articles from different periodicals which were very much enjoyed. Mrs. Skiles and Mrs. Allen were
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries