Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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W.C.T.U. To met Tuesday Jan 20 The WCTU will met at 2:30 pm Tuesday, Jan 20 with Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart, 1015 5th ave The WCTU met with Mrs Stewart Jan 19. Devotions were lead by Mrs. Stewart. We sang America. Prayer now offered and scripture read, Bob II:12 and Pr 94:20 by Mrs. Stewart. Prayer by Mr. Manson. Program by Rev. Stewart, topic, "Legislative Safeguards." Rev. Stewart showed pictures of liquor advertisements taken from magazines. The chapter on Temperance and Truth about prohibition was reviewed from the Study Book. Minutes of previous meeting read by Mrs. Skiles, and accepted. Offering was $3.50. Voted for 4 January funds. Motion carried that the WCTU approve and promise to pay for medals for LT L speech contest. 12 were present. Several paid dues. Closed with Benediction. Mrs. Skiles-Secy. pro tem.
W.C.T.U. To met Tuesday Jan 20 The WCTU will met at 2:30 pm Tuesday, Jan 20 with Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart, 1015 5th ave The WCTU met with Mrs Stewart Jan 19. Devotions were lead by Mrs. Stewart. We sang America. Prayer now offered and scripture read, Bob II:12 and Pr 94:20 by Mrs. Stewart. Prayer by Mr. Manson. Program by Rev. Stewart, topic, "Legislative Safeguards." Rev. Stewart showed pictures of liquor advertisements taken from magazines. The chapter on Temperance and Truth about prohibition was reviewed from the Study Book. Minutes of previous meeting read by Mrs. Skiles, and accepted. Offering was $3.50. Voted for 4 January funds. Motion carried that the WCTU approve and promise to pay for medals for LT L speech contest. 12 were present. Several paid dues. Closed with Benediction. Mrs. Skiles-Secy. pro tem.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries