Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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February 1949. [clipping] Thursday, February 17, 1949 Society MRS. MURRAY HOSTESS TO WCTU MEMBERS Mrs. George Cl Muprray was hostess to the WCTU for the February meeting. Mrs. A. W. McBlain presided at the meeting. The lesson topic for the day was "Frances Willard, the Crusader." Mrs. A. B. Manson, wearing the wedding gown of Nellie Lincoln's mother, Mrs. Mary Lincoln, and the wedding hat of Nellie Lincoln's grandmother Coutts, impersonated Miss Anna Adams Gordon, who for several years was Miss Willard's secretary. Mrs. Manson read the devotions. Mrs. Floyd Stanley, wearing a velvet bonnet with velvet ties under the chin and ostrich plumes above the brow, and a long dress with ornamented skirt, once belonging to a friend of Nellie Lincoln, Impersonated Miss Willard, and presented the lesson. A marked characteristic of Miss Willard, her ability as an organizer, was stressed in the program. [end clipping] Feb. 15 - 1949 - Seventeen attended the WCTU meeting at Mrs. Murray's. A guest was Mrs. Nason of Iowa Falls, temporarily staying and working at the Lone Elm Rest home. The song: "Give to the Winds Thy fears" was sung. Mrs. Manson, leading the devotions, read: "When Frances Willard Read Her Bible." Mrs. Fay Stanley gave the program. Mrs. McBlain conducted the session. She said thirteen million dollars is the liquor tax But the expense caused by liquor costs the Nation a hundred and seven million. A report was given on a talk at the Congregational Church in Grinnell, on Alcoholics Anonymous. 60% cured, 25% slip now and then, 15% helpless and hopeless. Mrs. Willis Tingle joined and paid her dollar. She was accompanied by her two small daughters. Secretarys and treasurers reports were read. Adjournment - Ada Park - Secy. [clipping] W.C.T.U. HAD MEETING TUESDAY The Women's Christian Temperance Union held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Swain. Mrs. Chas. Adams conducted devotions, and Mrs. A. T. Wilson had charge of the program on the Crusaders. Mrs. Edward Wright, Sr., appeared in a Crusade costumes and told of the experiences of the first president in 1873. This is the 75th anniversary of the birth of the W.C.T.U., and a million new members is the goal for this year. Another new member was added to the local union, which makes a total of eleven this year since September. All Christian women are invited to help in the fight "For god, and home, and every land." * * * [end clipping] [clipping] 1949 Deaths SUSAN BURROUGHS CHILD, '84, Jan. 13, after a long illness, in Grinnell, at the age of 88. Mrs. Child was a member of the Congregational church, and was active in local clubs and the Women's Christian Temperance Union. [end clipping] [clipping] * * * The WCTU will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday with Rev. and Mrs. Charles O. Whitely, 613 West St. Members are asked to notice that this is a change of both address and hour. * * * [end clipping] [clipping] MRS. HARLAND INMAN HOSTESS TO W.C.T.U. Mrs. Harlan Inman was hostess on Monday, January 17, to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. J. R. Bartow read the devotions. Mrs. A. W. McBlain, who presided over the session, said that this year is the 75th year of the National W.C.T.U. The program was presented by Miss Nellie Lincoln, who explained how bills in Congress are presented and acted upon. * * * [end clipping] [clipping] WCTU MEETING TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. George C. Murray, 1019 Park street, will be hostess to the Women's Christian Temperance Union at 2:30, Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 15. A special program is in preparation honoring the founder, Frances E. Willard. Miss Willard and her friend, Miss Gordon, are expected to be present in impersonation. * * * [end clipping]
February 1949. [clipping] Thursday, February 17, 1949 Society MRS. MURRAY HOSTESS TO WCTU MEMBERS Mrs. George Cl Muprray was hostess to the WCTU for the February meeting. Mrs. A. W. McBlain presided at the meeting. The lesson topic for the day was "Frances Willard, the Crusader." Mrs. A. B. Manson, wearing the wedding gown of Nellie Lincoln's mother, Mrs. Mary Lincoln, and the wedding hat of Nellie Lincoln's grandmother Coutts, impersonated Miss Anna Adams Gordon, who for several years was Miss Willard's secretary. Mrs. Manson read the devotions. Mrs. Floyd Stanley, wearing a velvet bonnet with velvet ties under the chin and ostrich plumes above the brow, and a long dress with ornamented skirt, once belonging to a friend of Nellie Lincoln, Impersonated Miss Willard, and presented the lesson. A marked characteristic of Miss Willard, her ability as an organizer, was stressed in the program. [end clipping] Feb. 15 - 1949 - Seventeen attended the WCTU meeting at Mrs. Murray's. A guest was Mrs. Nason of Iowa Falls, temporarily staying and working at the Lone Elm Rest home. The song: "Give to the Winds Thy fears" was sung. Mrs. Manson, leading the devotions, read: "When Frances Willard Read Her Bible." Mrs. Fay Stanley gave the program. Mrs. McBlain conducted the session. She said thirteen million dollars is the liquor tax But the expense caused by liquor costs the Nation a hundred and seven million. A report was given on a talk at the Congregational Church in Grinnell, on Alcoholics Anonymous. 60% cured, 25% slip now and then, 15% helpless and hopeless. Mrs. Willis Tingle joined and paid her dollar. She was accompanied by her two small daughters. Secretarys and treasurers reports were read. Adjournment - Ada Park - Secy. [clipping] W.C.T.U. HAD MEETING TUESDAY The Women's Christian Temperance Union held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Swain. Mrs. Chas. Adams conducted devotions, and Mrs. A. T. Wilson had charge of the program on the Crusaders. Mrs. Edward Wright, Sr., appeared in a Crusade costumes and told of the experiences of the first president in 1873. This is the 75th anniversary of the birth of the W.C.T.U., and a million new members is the goal for this year. Another new member was added to the local union, which makes a total of eleven this year since September. All Christian women are invited to help in the fight "For god, and home, and every land." * * * [end clipping] [clipping] 1949 Deaths SUSAN BURROUGHS CHILD, '84, Jan. 13, after a long illness, in Grinnell, at the age of 88. Mrs. Child was a member of the Congregational church, and was active in local clubs and the Women's Christian Temperance Union. [end clipping] [clipping] * * * The WCTU will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday with Rev. and Mrs. Charles O. Whitely, 613 West St. Members are asked to notice that this is a change of both address and hour. * * * [end clipping] [clipping] MRS. HARLAND INMAN HOSTESS TO W.C.T.U. Mrs. Harlan Inman was hostess on Monday, January 17, to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. J. R. Bartow read the devotions. Mrs. A. W. McBlain, who presided over the session, said that this year is the 75th year of the National W.C.T.U. The program was presented by Miss Nellie Lincoln, who explained how bills in Congress are presented and acted upon. * * * [end clipping] [clipping] WCTU MEETING TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. George C. Murray, 1019 Park street, will be hostess to the Women's Christian Temperance Union at 2:30, Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 15. A special program is in preparation honoring the founder, Frances E. Willard. Miss Willard and her friend, Miss Gordon, are expected to be present in impersonation. * * * [end clipping]
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries