Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The WCTU met at the home of Mrs. WJ Stewart April 18th 1950 In the absence of the Secretary Mrs. McBlain asked Mrs. Barts to act as Sec. Mrs. (?) who was to have had Devotions was absent also. The President has Mrs. Alta Pussell(?) to read Ecal? 12:1 and () Timothy 4:12 followed by a session of prayer. Mrs. McBlain read a number of articles concerning some activities of young people who had heeded the ? of Temperance Teachings and of some who had not. This being Youth month the topic Enlightening Youth. Mrs. McBlain read a communication? from the Herald Register asking the Union to participate in the Community Improvement contest. A motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed to study the above request and report at the next meeting. Mrs. A.B. Manson Mrs. A.C. Janer? Mrs. J R. Barts were named on the Committee. Treasurer report showed a balance of $56.79. The matter of distributing leaflets in the city were it was discussed, but action was held over until the next meeting. The offering (amounted?) to $1.52 We were adjourned to meet in one month. Mrs. M E Bartow. Sec'y pro tem. 1950 May Minutes The WCTU met at the home of Mrs. Mary Swain May 16th, 1950. Mrs. Bartow acted a secretary in absence of Miss Parks. Mrs. Bartow read from the 10th chapter of Mark the 3.16 verse for divisionals? Several then offered prayer. Mrs McBlain read an article telling the history of the Christian flag. Also a poem entitled "Our? mother. Mrs. Whitely had charge of the program reading several articles concerning the high percentage of women who are now drinking liquor. She also read an article telling of the great amount of drinking which is going on in Washington D.C. She read the testimony of a number of outstanding? athletes? who are total abstainere? These also belong to the allied Youth Movement" The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed at the last meeting was continued untill
The WCTU met at the home of Mrs. WJ Stewart April 18th 1950 In the absence of the Secretary Mrs. McBlain asked Mrs. Barts to act as Sec. Mrs. (?) who was to have had Devotions was absent also. The President has Mrs. Alta Pussell(?) to read Ecal? 12:1 and () Timothy 4:12 followed by a session of prayer. Mrs. McBlain read a number of articles concerning some activities of young people who had heeded the ? of Temperance Teachings and of some who had not. This being Youth month the topic Enlightening Youth. Mrs. McBlain read a communication? from the Herald Register asking the Union to participate in the Community Improvement contest. A motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed to study the above request and report at the next meeting. Mrs. A.B. Manson Mrs. A.C. Janer? Mrs. J R. Barts were named on the Committee. Treasurer report showed a balance of $56.79. The matter of distributing leaflets in the city were it was discussed, but action was held over until the next meeting. The offering (amounted?) to $1.52 We were adjourned to meet in one month. Mrs. M E Bartow. Sec'y pro tem. 1950 May Minutes The WCTU met at the home of Mrs. Mary Swain May 16th, 1950. Mrs. Bartow acted a secretary in absence of Miss Parks. Mrs. Bartow read from the 10th chapter of Mark the 3.16 verse for divisionals? Several then offered prayer. Mrs McBlain read an article telling the history of the Christian flag. Also a poem entitled "Our? mother. Mrs. Whitely had charge of the program reading several articles concerning the high percentage of women who are now drinking liquor. She also read an article telling of the great amount of drinking which is going on in Washington D.C. She read the testimony of a number of outstanding? athletes? who are total abstainere? These also belong to the allied Youth Movement" The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed at the last meeting was continued untill
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries