Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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[clipping attached at upper left] Damages Of $35,000 Are Awarded Executors of Ada Park Estate Win Verdict At Trial in Bisbee, Ariz. Damages for $35,000 were awarded to the executors of the estate of Ada Park in their suit against the Pullman company, the Southern Pacific company and THomas Bryan, the conductor of the train on which Miss Park met her tragic death. The damage action for $80,000 came to trail [sic] last Monday in Bisbee, Ariz., was submitted to the jury early Tuesday afternoon and the jury returned its verdict in about two hours. Lawrence Pedersen, the Grinnell attorney for the executors, was accompanied to Arizona by Mrs. Pedersen and daughter Karen, who visited relatives while Mr. Pedersen was busy with the trial. They returned to Grinnell Sunday evening. --------- Jan. 26, 1952 WCTU met at the home of Mrs. W J Stewart with the President Mrs. Stanley presiding. Mrs. Stewart had charge of Devotions also. She read from 1st Corinthians 12 chapter 12-21 verse vollowed by singing Faith Or Our Fathers. Each member responded with a short prayer. Mrs. Stanley had charge of the lesson Deglamorizing liquor through advertising. Also The life history of Francis [Etinellard?] was presented of the wonderfull [sic] work she has accomplished for the WCTU. Nellie [Linchlon?] the treasurer reported all dues had been paid in. Mrs. Allen announced the LTL were presenting a program at the United Presbyterian Church Thurs nite Jan 28 at 7:30 and extended an invitation to all WCTU members to attend. No further business meeting adjourned. Eva M. Pepoon Secretary Mar 18, 1962 March meeting of the W.C.T.U. was at the home of Mr and Mrs A.C. Jance (Clint). It was an evening meeting. In the absence of the president the vice president Mrs A. W McBlain presided. Honary [sic] members gave most of the program. Rev D. E. Skiles led the devotionals, closing with a solo with Mrs Skiles. Rev J.W. Stewart gave a [illegible] of Sam Morris. Reasons for opposing the liquor traffic from a moral standpoint Rev Chas Whiteley spoke on Alcoholics Anonymous as he had witnessed its workings among the Indians in Oklahoma. A.C. James led the group in singing Stand Up For Jesus, Rev C.E. Kingsley spoke on narcotics and how to deal with juvenile delinquents. Mayor Godfrey gave us an account of his attempts to improve moral conditions in our City. Rev McBlain gave the closing prayer. During the refreshment hour, three members of the Y.T.C. gave readings they are preparing for a future contest. It being a stormy nite, kept several from attending. But a very worth while meeting. There were 22 present and an offering of $6.10. Mrs. A.W. McBlain Secretary Pro Tim [sic]
[clipping attached at upper left] Damages Of $35,000 Are Awarded Executors of Ada Park Estate Win Verdict At Trial in Bisbee, Ariz. Damages for $35,000 were awarded to the executors of the estate of Ada Park in their suit against the Pullman company, the Southern Pacific company and THomas Bryan, the conductor of the train on which Miss Park met her tragic death. The damage action for $80,000 came to trail [sic] last Monday in Bisbee, Ariz., was submitted to the jury early Tuesday afternoon and the jury returned its verdict in about two hours. Lawrence Pedersen, the Grinnell attorney for the executors, was accompanied to Arizona by Mrs. Pedersen and daughter Karen, who visited relatives while Mr. Pedersen was busy with the trial. They returned to Grinnell Sunday evening. --------- Jan. 26, 1952 WCTU met at the home of Mrs. W J Stewart with the President Mrs. Stanley presiding. Mrs. Stewart had charge of Devotions also. She read from 1st Corinthians 12 chapter 12-21 verse vollowed by singing Faith Or Our Fathers. Each member responded with a short prayer. Mrs. Stanley had charge of the lesson Deglamorizing liquor through advertising. Also The life history of Francis [Etinellard?] was presented of the wonderfull [sic] work she has accomplished for the WCTU. Nellie [Linchlon?] the treasurer reported all dues had been paid in. Mrs. Allen announced the LTL were presenting a program at the United Presbyterian Church Thurs nite Jan 28 at 7:30 and extended an invitation to all WCTU members to attend. No further business meeting adjourned. Eva M. Pepoon Secretary Mar 18, 1962 March meeting of the W.C.T.U. was at the home of Mr and Mrs A.C. Jance (Clint). It was an evening meeting. In the absence of the president the vice president Mrs A. W McBlain presided. Honary [sic] members gave most of the program. Rev D. E. Skiles led the devotionals, closing with a solo with Mrs Skiles. Rev J.W. Stewart gave a [illegible] of Sam Morris. Reasons for opposing the liquor traffic from a moral standpoint Rev Chas Whiteley spoke on Alcoholics Anonymous as he had witnessed its workings among the Indians in Oklahoma. A.C. James led the group in singing Stand Up For Jesus, Rev C.E. Kingsley spoke on narcotics and how to deal with juvenile delinquents. Mayor Godfrey gave us an account of his attempts to improve moral conditions in our City. Rev McBlain gave the closing prayer. During the refreshment hour, three members of the Y.T.C. gave readings they are preparing for a future contest. It being a stormy nite, kept several from attending. But a very worth while meeting. There were 22 present and an offering of $6.10. Mrs. A.W. McBlain Secretary Pro Tim [sic]
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries