Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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July meeting family picnic at Merrell Park with Mrs. Allen and her youth group The LTLs had charge of the program after the program ice cream and home made coodies were served Aug 19 - 1902 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs. Pepoon with 11 members present. Meeting opened with the president Mrs. Stanley presiding Mrs. Pepoon had charge of the devotionals reading Matthew 5:43-48 and John 3:34-35 Mrs. Inman read an article Teenagers do care. College students of Sana (sic) Monica do odd jobs to earn money for foreign refugees. Nellie Ninealn had a short topic on real responsible, Exploring a local mirth? The auther (sic) Mr. Squire (illegible) WCTU council Mrs. Staley Topic Alcohol on Salesmanship Secretary report read and approved Treasurer report read and accepted All old officers was re-elected by an (illegible) for another year Mrs. Stanley President Mrs. Pepoon Secretary Miss Lincoln Treasurer Meeting adjourned by prayer by Mrs. Stanley Eva M Pepoon Sect. Sept 16 - 1902 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs. Nellie Inman with the President Mrs. Stanley presiding Meeting opened by singing What a Friend we have in Jesus. Mrs. R(illegible) had charge of the Devotionals. She choose Psalms 33 chapter following with prayer. Mrs. Amy James had charge of the lesson. Her topic was on W.C.T.U. work in India and Foreign Countries with the co-operation of local WCTU (illegible) in America. Secretarys report read and approved Treasures (sic) report read and accepted Tres reported 239.33 at the beginning of the year, leaving a balance of 40.62 It was decided to hold our Oct meeting at the 1st Friends Church with a pot luck supper and conclude with a program Meeting closed with prayer By Mrs. Stanley Eva M Pepoon Sect
July meeting family picnic at Merrell Park with Mrs. Allen and her youth group The LTLs had charge of the program after the program ice cream and home made coodies were served Aug 19 - 1902 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs. Pepoon with 11 members present. Meeting opened with the president Mrs. Stanley presiding Mrs. Pepoon had charge of the devotionals reading Matthew 5:43-48 and John 3:34-35 Mrs. Inman read an article Teenagers do care. College students of Sana (sic) Monica do odd jobs to earn money for foreign refugees. Nellie Ninealn had a short topic on real responsible, Exploring a local mirth? The auther (sic) Mr. Squire (illegible) WCTU council Mrs. Staley Topic Alcohol on Salesmanship Secretary report read and approved Treasurer report read and accepted All old officers was re-elected by an (illegible) for another year Mrs. Stanley President Mrs. Pepoon Secretary Miss Lincoln Treasurer Meeting adjourned by prayer by Mrs. Stanley Eva M Pepoon Sect. Sept 16 - 1902 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs. Nellie Inman with the President Mrs. Stanley presiding Meeting opened by singing What a Friend we have in Jesus. Mrs. R(illegible) had charge of the Devotionals. She choose Psalms 33 chapter following with prayer. Mrs. Amy James had charge of the lesson. Her topic was on W.C.T.U. work in India and Foreign Countries with the co-operation of local WCTU (illegible) in America. Secretarys report read and approved Treasures (sic) report read and accepted Tres reported 239.33 at the beginning of the year, leaving a balance of 40.62 It was decided to hold our Oct meeting at the 1st Friends Church with a pot luck supper and conclude with a program Meeting closed with prayer By Mrs. Stanley Eva M Pepoon Sect
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries