Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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1955 June 19 The WCTU meet [sic] at The Home of Mrs. J E [Furter?] with 11 members and One guest Mrs Martin Paulson Mrs Savell had charge of Devotions. She opened The meeting By singing What a Friend We Have In Jesus. Worship Theme "Consecrate The Task" Scripture Readings were John 12:24-26 also Mathew [sic] 9:35-38 followed by short prayers from from The group closing with a Poem Blessed Jesus. Our President Mrs McBlain Had the members give the Salutes to The 3 flags American Christian and Temperance Also The Temperance Pledge. Mrs McBlain In the abstance [sic] of Mrs [Latcham?] reviewed a couple of Chapters from The Study Book. The Fruit of the Vine these 2 chapters stressed the Five Facts On Liquor. Secretary report read and accepted. Nellie Linclon the financial Treasuer [sic] reported 48.00 In the treasuer. [sic] The Chairman Mrs Mikel of The nominating Committee for New Officers. Report was one canidate [sic] for Vice President Elois Keister. Ballots were prepared for nominating a President after the Balots [sic] were tabulated a motion made & 2nd That Mrs Harvey Mikel be declared elected as Our New President. Elois Keister was elected Vice President By Acclamation Eva M. Pepoon relected [sic] Sec By Ballot. Nellie Linclon relected [sic] Financial Sec By Acclamation. A motion carried. We dispense with Our July picnic and regular meeting A Motion was made to send The Union Signal to The President and The Library. The meeting adjourned with the W.C.T.U. Benediction. Eva M Pepoon Sec. Aug 16 WCTU was conducted in the home of Mrs. Geo German. In the abstance [sic] of the President Mrs McBlain The The [sic] 1st order of Buisness [sic] was The initiation of the New Officers By The retiring Vice President Mrs Cosand. The Officers reviewed Their Office dutys [sic] [with?] Mrs Harvey Mikel President Elois Keister Vice President, Nellie Linclon Treasuer [sic] Eva Pepoon Recording Secretary The newly elected President preseded [sic], Mrs Whitley had charge of Devotionals, singing Oh! King Eternal. Using Scriptuer [sic, reading John 5-2:8 Giving a very intersting [sic] explaination [sic] of The Healing Power of Christ followed by short prayers from the membery [sic] Secretary report read and approved The President appointed The Chairman of the 4 Departments
1955 June 19 The WCTU meet [sic] at The Home of Mrs. J E [Furter?] with 11 members and One guest Mrs Martin Paulson Mrs Savell had charge of Devotions. She opened The meeting By singing What a Friend We Have In Jesus. Worship Theme "Consecrate The Task" Scripture Readings were John 12:24-26 also Mathew [sic] 9:35-38 followed by short prayers from from The group closing with a Poem Blessed Jesus. Our President Mrs McBlain Had the members give the Salutes to The 3 flags American Christian and Temperance Also The Temperance Pledge. Mrs McBlain In the abstance [sic] of Mrs [Latcham?] reviewed a couple of Chapters from The Study Book. The Fruit of the Vine these 2 chapters stressed the Five Facts On Liquor. Secretary report read and accepted. Nellie Linclon the financial Treasuer [sic] reported 48.00 In the treasuer. [sic] The Chairman Mrs Mikel of The nominating Committee for New Officers. Report was one canidate [sic] for Vice President Elois Keister. Ballots were prepared for nominating a President after the Balots [sic] were tabulated a motion made & 2nd That Mrs Harvey Mikel be declared elected as Our New President. Elois Keister was elected Vice President By Acclamation Eva M. Pepoon relected [sic] Sec By Ballot. Nellie Linclon relected [sic] Financial Sec By Acclamation. A motion carried. We dispense with Our July picnic and regular meeting A Motion was made to send The Union Signal to The President and The Library. The meeting adjourned with the W.C.T.U. Benediction. Eva M Pepoon Sec. Aug 16 WCTU was conducted in the home of Mrs. Geo German. In the abstance [sic] of the President Mrs McBlain The The [sic] 1st order of Buisness [sic] was The initiation of the New Officers By The retiring Vice President Mrs Cosand. The Officers reviewed Their Office dutys [sic] [with?] Mrs Harvey Mikel President Elois Keister Vice President, Nellie Linclon Treasuer [sic] Eva Pepoon Recording Secretary The newly elected President preseded [sic], Mrs Whitley had charge of Devotionals, singing Oh! King Eternal. Using Scriptuer [sic, reading John 5-2:8 Giving a very intersting [sic] explaination [sic] of The Healing Power of Christ followed by short prayers from the membery [sic] Secretary report read and approved The President appointed The Chairman of the 4 Departments
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries