Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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1955 Aug 16 - Meeting Continued of The WCTU. to continue in their Department for the ensuing year. [Namity?] Mrs Foster Legislation and Law, Mrs Cosand Spiritual Life, Mrs. Skiles Christian Citizenship Mrs. Gross Health and Medicine, The Treasuer [sic] was instructed to order the Union Signal for Mrs Foster Chairman of the Legislation and Law Dept The last 2 chapters of The Study Book, The Fruit of the Vine. Was reviewed by Mrs Skiles, The Bugal [sic] Call And Alcohol a Desease [sic] Tresuer [sic] reported a Balance of $7.64. Report acceted A Bill of $6.72 was presented By Eva Pepoon for cards and postage 1.65 Supplies $5.09 Bill allowed An Article on Probihion [sic] In Russia was read by The President. The groupe [sic] Gave teh Salutes to The American, Christian and Temperance Flags also The Temperance Pledge was rendered by all members. A discussion followed on where to hold our Family nite meeting. Nellie Linclon was instructed to see about a morning [pictuer?] for Oct 18 meeting. A letter from a former member Hetty Naylor was read. 11 members present A mition. We adjourn 1955 Eva M Pepoon Sec Sept 20 WCTU met at the home of Mrs Harlen Inman Devotions were led by Mrs Gene Foster. She read from Matt 4:23 and 5:1-12 The group joined in singing the hymn "He Leadeth Me." Several offered sentence prayers. In the absence of the secretary Celia Whitley was asked to serve. In the absence of the secretary no minutes of the Aug meeting was reported The family nite program witt [sic] be held at The First Friends Church on Oct 18 at 6:30 PM A covered dish supper, followed by The program Nellie Linclon reported on the films that could be used, for our program Nellie was instructed to order 2 films. Motion was moved and second that postage and 30 c[ents] additional be allowed for the films. Treasuer [sic] reported a balance of 43.22 Sept 1-1955 Several members paid dues. The group approved of giving Our Study Book, The Fruit of The Vine to The City Library. Nellie Linclon to present the book to the Libray. [sic] State WCTU convention are Oct 25 to 27 at Ft Dodge. Motion carried we allow $5.00 to send a delegate to the convention. It was also approved
1955 Aug 16 - Meeting Continued of The WCTU. to continue in their Department for the ensuing year. [Namity?] Mrs Foster Legislation and Law, Mrs Cosand Spiritual Life, Mrs. Skiles Christian Citizenship Mrs. Gross Health and Medicine, The Treasuer [sic] was instructed to order the Union Signal for Mrs Foster Chairman of the Legislation and Law Dept The last 2 chapters of The Study Book, The Fruit of the Vine. Was reviewed by Mrs Skiles, The Bugal [sic] Call And Alcohol a Desease [sic] Tresuer [sic] reported a Balance of $7.64. Report acceted A Bill of $6.72 was presented By Eva Pepoon for cards and postage 1.65 Supplies $5.09 Bill allowed An Article on Probihion [sic] In Russia was read by The President. The groupe [sic] Gave teh Salutes to The American, Christian and Temperance Flags also The Temperance Pledge was rendered by all members. A discussion followed on where to hold our Family nite meeting. Nellie Linclon was instructed to see about a morning [pictuer?] for Oct 18 meeting. A letter from a former member Hetty Naylor was read. 11 members present A mition. We adjourn 1955 Eva M Pepoon Sec Sept 20 WCTU met at the home of Mrs Harlen Inman Devotions were led by Mrs Gene Foster. She read from Matt 4:23 and 5:1-12 The group joined in singing the hymn "He Leadeth Me." Several offered sentence prayers. In the absence of the secretary Celia Whitley was asked to serve. In the absence of the secretary no minutes of the Aug meeting was reported The family nite program witt [sic] be held at The First Friends Church on Oct 18 at 6:30 PM A covered dish supper, followed by The program Nellie Linclon reported on the films that could be used, for our program Nellie was instructed to order 2 films. Motion was moved and second that postage and 30 c[ents] additional be allowed for the films. Treasuer [sic] reported a balance of 43.22 Sept 1-1955 Several members paid dues. The group approved of giving Our Study Book, The Fruit of The Vine to The City Library. Nellie Linclon to present the book to the Libray. [sic] State WCTU convention are Oct 25 to 27 at Ft Dodge. Motion carried we allow $5.00 to send a delegate to the convention. It was also approved
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries