Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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1955 Sept 20 meeting Coninued that we send 5.00 as a thank offering for the State Convention Mrs. Alexander presented the lesson, Mrs. Mikel reviewed the 1st chapter of our Study Book, The Way to Sobriety The Flag pledges were repeated Benediction, Celia Whitely Sec pro tem Oct 18 was family nite at The First Friends Church with The WCTU President Mrs. Rachel Mikel presiding. She xplained The purpose of Christian WCTU. The WCTU pledge was given. The Old Rugged Cross was sung. A song was sung by Rev Cosand's young son. Mr Russell compared the WCTU Organization of [to?] Iseralites [sic]. A Temperance Skit was griven By Mrs. Allen, Mrs Skiles and Mrs Hagenlock. Bobby and Wesley Butler gave several scriptuers [sic] quotations from memory. A [naresic?] film was shown, also A Temperance film for children. Eva M Pepoon Sec. Nov 15 WCTU met at the home of Mrs. Howard Sage with 11 members present and one visitor Meeting opened with a few brief comments by the Vice President Miss Keister. In the abstence [sic] of the President Mrs Harvey Mikels. After giving the three pledges, A song was read by Nellie Linclon (There is no Song Eas or West) Silent Prayers was offered by all present Mrs Whitley and Mrs Renaud lead in prayer A talk on Safe Driving was given By Charlene Linclon A High School girl. More comments were given by Miss Keister. Mrs Foster and Mrs. Renaud were asked to bring information on the Temperance Bill Boards Mrs Edyth Lynch read several articles on Temperance Mrs Ralph Allen reviewed a portion of the Study Book on The Way to Sobriety. Eva M Pepoon Sec Dec 20 WCTU met at the home of Mrs. Sybil Renaud Mrs. Hagenlock had Devotions Reading and Commenting on the Christmas Story from Luke 2- 8-14 Several offered prayer Nellie Linclon read the minutes of the previous meeting in abstence [sic] of the Secretary Eva Pepoon. Mrs Foster spoke for the Committee on sign
1955 Sept 20 meeting Coninued that we send 5.00 as a thank offering for the State Convention Mrs. Alexander presented the lesson, Mrs. Mikel reviewed the 1st chapter of our Study Book, The Way to Sobriety The Flag pledges were repeated Benediction, Celia Whitely Sec pro tem Oct 18 was family nite at The First Friends Church with The WCTU President Mrs. Rachel Mikel presiding. She xplained The purpose of Christian WCTU. The WCTU pledge was given. The Old Rugged Cross was sung. A song was sung by Rev Cosand's young son. Mr Russell compared the WCTU Organization of [to?] Iseralites [sic]. A Temperance Skit was griven By Mrs. Allen, Mrs Skiles and Mrs Hagenlock. Bobby and Wesley Butler gave several scriptuers [sic] quotations from memory. A [naresic?] film was shown, also A Temperance film for children. Eva M Pepoon Sec. Nov 15 WCTU met at the home of Mrs. Howard Sage with 11 members present and one visitor Meeting opened with a few brief comments by the Vice President Miss Keister. In the abstence [sic] of the President Mrs Harvey Mikels. After giving the three pledges, A song was read by Nellie Linclon (There is no Song Eas or West) Silent Prayers was offered by all present Mrs Whitley and Mrs Renaud lead in prayer A talk on Safe Driving was given By Charlene Linclon A High School girl. More comments were given by Miss Keister. Mrs Foster and Mrs. Renaud were asked to bring information on the Temperance Bill Boards Mrs Edyth Lynch read several articles on Temperance Mrs Ralph Allen reviewed a portion of the Study Book on The Way to Sobriety. Eva M Pepoon Sec Dec 20 WCTU met at the home of Mrs. Sybil Renaud Mrs. Hagenlock had Devotions Reading and Commenting on the Christmas Story from Luke 2- 8-14 Several offered prayer Nellie Linclon read the minutes of the previous meeting in abstence [sic] of the Secretary Eva Pepoon. Mrs Foster spoke for the Committee on sign
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries