Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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1956 June 19 Meeting Continued order the same Mrs E E Beattie lead us In the program Telling us about Ida B Wise Smith Also about Chaplins working among The Boys in The Military Service A chapter from the Study Book By The President The Way to Sobriety was reviewed Mrs. Rachel Mikel Pro Tim July 17 No meeting was held Aug 14 WCTU meet with Mrs Rachel Mikel with 9 members present and One guest Mrs. Mamie Kline from [Cushing?] Oklahoma Mrs Renfrau gave the Scriptuer lesson A Time for Everything using Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 closing with prayer. President reported the Librian would allow A WCTU Postor to be posted for One Month. She also sugested they be used in the churches $25 was sent in to The State treasuer to apply on the State Offices Moved and second the President and Vice President attend the State Convention to be held at Cedar Falls Sept 10-11 Moved & second we order two Subscriptions each to The Union Signal and Crusader One of each for the W.C.T.U. President and one each for The Public Library. Moved and second The Secretary Order the supplies for the ensuing year Miss Keister was appointed by The President. To appoint a committee to make up the program Guides The Salute to the 3 flags given Mrs Geo Renaud had charge of he lesson Have you Ever known By Mrs Adams No Liquor for Me By Rachel Mikel. The Alcohol problem Mrs Mamie Kline. No the effects of Liquor The Effects of liqur influence Eloise Keisler Urgent Mrs Eugene Foster. Pine Ridge reservation In S Dak Celia Whitley. Papa was a preacher By Mrs Renaud and Why I dont Drink from The Union SIgnal also A Concicrated Cathedral of Sobriety from the study book by Mrs Rachel Mikel Meeting adjourned with the WCTU Benecition Eva M Pepoon Secy
1956 June 19 Meeting Continued order the same Mrs E E Beattie lead us In the program Telling us about Ida B Wise Smith Also about Chaplins working among The Boys in The Military Service A chapter from the Study Book By The President The Way to Sobriety was reviewed Mrs. Rachel Mikel Pro Tim July 17 No meeting was held Aug 14 WCTU meet with Mrs Rachel Mikel with 9 members present and One guest Mrs. Mamie Kline from [Cushing?] Oklahoma Mrs Renfrau gave the Scriptuer lesson A Time for Everything using Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 closing with prayer. President reported the Librian would allow A WCTU Postor to be posted for One Month. She also sugested they be used in the churches $25 was sent in to The State treasuer to apply on the State Offices Moved and second the President and Vice President attend the State Convention to be held at Cedar Falls Sept 10-11 Moved & second we order two Subscriptions each to The Union Signal and Crusader One of each for the W.C.T.U. President and one each for The Public Library. Moved and second The Secretary Order the supplies for the ensuing year Miss Keister was appointed by The President. To appoint a committee to make up the program Guides The Salute to the 3 flags given Mrs Geo Renaud had charge of he lesson Have you Ever known By Mrs Adams No Liquor for Me By Rachel Mikel. The Alcohol problem Mrs Mamie Kline. No the effects of Liquor The Effects of liqur influence Eloise Keisler Urgent Mrs Eugene Foster. Pine Ridge reservation In S Dak Celia Whitley. Papa was a preacher By Mrs Renaud and Why I dont Drink from The Union SIgnal also A Concicrated Cathedral of Sobriety from the study book by Mrs Rachel Mikel Meeting adjourned with the WCTU Benecition Eva M Pepoon Secy
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries